Carrboro Academy

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Carrboro Academy's Latest Posts

Blast from the past!

Blast from the past!

| June 21, 2019

This week we enjoyed all things from the past! On Monday we read books and played with dinosaurs. Tuesday was tie-dye day!! Wednesday we worked on painting our fish for our new door decoration! Thursday we played with blocks like toys from back in the day. Friday everyone wore their groovy shirts and we had […]

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Celebrating Daddy

Celebrating Daddy

| June 17, 2019

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Field Day Fun

Field Day Fun

| June 17, 2019

Our theme last week was “Field Day.” The Toddler 2 class had fun playing with bubbles and the big red ball. We also had fun coloring with chalk. Unfortunately, we had to cancel Splash Day due to the cold weather. We will be having our first Splash Day on Thursday June 20th instead! We hope […]

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Field day

Field day

| June 14, 2019

Field day was the theme this week. We played a lot outside to exercise our bodies. So much outdoor fun! Next week blast from the past!

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Fathers, flags and fields

Fathers, flags and fields

| June 14, 2019

This week we had so much fun playing outside to celebrate field day! We played with bubbles and balls. We also spent some time making our Father’s day present as well. We had some fun with flags to celebrate flag day on Friday!

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Artistic Gardens

Artistic Gardens

| June 10, 2019

It was a fun week as we finally got to start our fun summer themes. We planted kale, bell peppers and okra. We also made a super cool mixed media mural of flowers that’s now hanging in the hallway,

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Flower Gardens

Flower Gardens

| June 10, 2019

Last week we started our Summer Themes! Our first theme was “How Does Your Garden Grow?” The Toddler 2 class had fun planing Morning Glory seeds and grass seeds and watching them grow! We also read a book about watering a garden to make the flowers grow. For our craft, we used sponges to paint […]

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How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

| June 7, 2019

This week we learned about gardens and got our hands dirty by planting flower bulbs! We also enjoyed splash day!!! Thanks to everyone for the yummy food to eat on Friday at our garden party!

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How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

| June 5, 2019

The children of Children’s House 1-2 have been busy this week learning all about gardens and plants. We made lovely little holders for flowers which we have on display in the hallway outside of the classroom. Miss Maria came and gave us a music lesson this week, which was so much fun! Our class will […]

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End Of The School Year

End Of The School Year

| June 3, 2019

Last week was the final week of the 2018-2019 School Year! The Toddler 2 class is very excited to start our Summer Themes! We ended the school year by learning about the color orange. We mixed drops of yellow and red food coloring in water and watched it turn orange. We also learned about goats, […]

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