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Carrboro Academy's Latest Posts

Dinosaurs Galore

Dinosaurs Galore

| March 4, 2019

We were off and on with our dinosaur discussions this week due to unexpected illness, but it didn’t stop us from finishing our dinosaur craft!

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Dr. Seuss Day

Dr. Seuss Day

| March 4, 2019

We had a very fun week in the Toddler 2 class last week. We learned how to say “Good” in sign language, about words that start with the letter V, and all about butterflies. We enjoyed music class with Ms. Danni. Unfortunately, Ms. Maria was out sick so no yoga class this week. Instead, we […]

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Welcome March!

Welcome March!

| March 1, 2019

This week we started focusing on the letter ‘M’ and learned about many things that start with that letter. We welcomed our new friend Emmeline too! We read the books “If you give a moose a muffin” and “If you take a mouse to the movies” and then did crafts about them! Another creative thing […]

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Seriously Mother Nature?

Seriously Mother Nature?

| February 27, 2019

It was rain, rain, and more rain, as we swam our way through the week.

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Kangaroos And U

Kangaroos And U

| February 25, 2019

We had a lot of fun in the Toddler 2 class last week. We celebrated Presidents Day with Ms. Danni and sang songs about all the Presidents. We learned how to say “hello” in Sign Language. We also learned about words that start with the letter U and all about kangaroos. While Ms. Lindsay was […]

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L is for learning!

L is for learning!

| February 22, 2019

This week was full of so much knowledge and fun! We started out the week learning about President Lincoln in honor of President’s Day and our letter ‘L’. We enjoyed a counting log cabin craft! This rainy week meant we spent a bunch of time inside, but we created an indoor obstacle course to burn […]

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Space Love

Space Love

| February 18, 2019

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Love Is In The Air!

Love Is In The Air!

| February 18, 2019

The Toddler 2 class had so much fun celebrating Valentine’s Day last week! We sang about hearts and love in music class, made heart shaped crafts, learned how to say “I Love You” in Sign Language, and exchanged Valentines with our classmates! We also had yoga class, learned about words that start with the letter […]

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L for love

L for love

| February 15, 2019

We began our new letter of the week “L” with the perfect topic…!!! We used our creative skills to craft hearts and love artwork. We learned how to make pink by mixing red and white. On Thursday we celebrated Valentine’s Day by showing love to our friends. We also worked on those fine motor skills […]

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Back to Space

Back to Space

| February 11, 2019

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