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| February 11, 2019

We had an excellent week last week in the Toddler 2 class! We loved the warm, sunny weather and spent a lot of time playing outside. We learned how to say “music” in sign language, about raccoons, and about words that start with the letter S. For our craft, we had lots of fun fingerpainting! […]

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Kiss the letter K goodbye!

Kiss the letter K goodbye!

| February 8, 2019

This was our last week with the letter k. We practiced tracing the letter k and finished our kangaroo craft! Thinking ahead to next week we did a kisses craft with the letter k. We spent some time talking about kindness and ways we can be kind to others. The weather has been so beautiful […]

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Goodbye January

Goodbye January

| February 5, 2019

This past week was the last week of January. The Toddler 2 Class finished off the month strong! We learned about words that start with the letter R, how to say “share” in Sign Language, and all about lizards. For our craft, we painted fishes with watercolor paints. The toddlers can’t wait to have just […]

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Introducing “K”

Introducing “K”

| February 4, 2019

Hello friends! Last week was so jam packed! Monday we loved music with Ms. Danni! We also began learning about the letter ‘K’ by coloring our letter books. During the week we also painted the letter k and began a kangaroo craft that we finished today! We enjoyed yoga with Ms. Maria on Wednesday. Friday […]

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Goodbye January

Goodbye January

| February 4, 2019

We’ve had a busy month! Between injured guinea pigs and cold temperatures, we’re ready to let time march on by and look forward to the festivities in store for the month of February.

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Colorful Butterflies

Colorful Butterflies

| January 28, 2019

We had a short week last week due to the Martin Luther King Jr holiday. Even though we had fewer days, the Toddler 2 class still managed to get a lot done last week! We enjoyed singing during Music class and stretching during Yoga class. We also learned about ostriches, words that start with the […]

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| January 28, 2019

No, we’re not ECU fans, we just spent the week talking about real pirates and other things connected to the deep ocean waters.

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Welcome to the jungle!

Welcome to the jungle!

| January 25, 2019

This week we continued learning about the letter ‘J’ with a focus on the jungle! We painted paper plates to look like the king of the jungle the lion and made monkeys in the jungle paintings with our hands! Of course we enjoyed music and yoga this week! Friday was all about celebrating our letter […]

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Yoga Returns

Yoga Returns

| January 22, 2019

This past week was a very fun week in the Toddler 2 class. Ms. Maria returned from her trip, so we had our very first Yoga class of 2019! We’ve really missed Yoga, that’s for sure! The toddlers also learned about rhinos, words that start with the letter P and how to say “ball” in […]

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Guinea Pigs Are Fragile

Guinea Pigs Are Fragile

| January 22, 2019

We learned a valuable lesson this week on how easily our beloved guinea pigs can get injured and ill. Poor Bullwinkle got dropped, breaking off his 2 front teeth too short for him to properly eat. He soon got a respiratory infection and lost tons of weight. Two expensive visits to the vet later, he […]

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