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Carrboro Academy's Latest Posts

Hello Summer

Hello Summer

| June 11, 2018

Last week marked the first week of our Summer Themes!  Our theme for the week was “Got Health?”  We learned about healthy foods and exercise.  For our craft, we made band-aids.  Our first Splash Day will be this Thursday, June 14th.  The Toddler 2 class will come to school already dressed in their bathing suits […]

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Healthy Living

Healthy Living

| June 11, 2018

We had a great week of talking about my favorite subject… Good Health! We used old magazines to cut out pictures of people doing healthy things and then we made a mural out of it. We also evaluated everyone’s lunch to see how well balanced they were. We did a science experiment to determine which […]

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Guinea Pigs and Graduation

Guinea Pigs and Graduation

| June 5, 2018

The end is near! We celebrated the culmination of all our hard work this school year with our first ever graduation ceremony. Our adventure with Rocky and Bullwinkle is going well. They are proving themselves to be fabulous classroom pets with tons of patience and tolerance for our friends. We also finished out mammals week […]

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Hello summer!

Hello summer!

| June 5, 2018

We have reached the end of the school year! We are excited to have finished our alphabet! We ended with the letter Z and even made zebra masks to celebrate. We enjoyed yoga and built a zoo to host all our animals! We look forward to all the fun adventures summer holds for us and […]

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Week of Celebrations

Week of Celebrations

| June 4, 2018

For art the class created thumbprint dandelions and made some beautiful artwork. CH-2 also had some exciting celebrations this week that everyone enjoyed. On Thursday the class celebrated their first graduation as they prepare to go to kindergarten .Everyone is so proud of our graduates and everything they have accomplished! We also celebrated a birthday […]

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End Of The School Year

End Of The School Year

| June 4, 2018

This past week marked the end of the 2017-2018 school year!  We celebrated the Memorial Day holiday, read stories, and learned about cats.  For our craft last week, we painted hearts with Do-A-Dot paints.  We ended the week with a party to celebrate the end of a fantastic school year!  We are so excited to […]

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Creating Through the Senses

Creating Through the Senses

| May 29, 2018

Last week CH-2 was immersed in many activities and challenges . On Tuesday the class started their jellyfish projects by painting white bowls and then gluing the eyes on. For science day the class created their own playdough using shaving cream and corn starch. The class had a lot of fun digging into the martierals! […]

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We All Scream For Ice Cream

We All Scream For Ice Cream

| May 29, 2018

The Toddler 2 class hopes everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!  We had another great week last week.  We learned about the color purple and mixed blue and red drops of food coloring in water to watch it make purple.  We enjoyed doing Yoga class with Ms. Maria and music class with Ms. Danny.  […]

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The Rise of the Mammals

The Rise of the Mammals

| May 29, 2018

We continued our study of mammals this week and were so excited to add two new mammals to our classroom family. Rocky and Bullwinkle the guinea pigs. We spent the week learning how to care for them, including feeding, brushing and properly holding them. We also had some cool mammal art projects. We made cat […]

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Color Through Design

Color Through Design

| May 21, 2018

Last week the class enjoyed interesting and fun activities. For art the children created “stained glass” paintings using painters tape to create various designs . On science day the class enjoyed “exploding baggies” using plastic bags, vinegar, and baking soda. Finally everyone continues to enjoy Show and Share every Friday.

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