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Whale Songs

Whale Songs

| May 21, 2018

Last week was another fun-filled week in the Toddler 2 class!  The toddlers enjoyed doing their Montessori Work Cycle, Music class with Ms. Danny, and Yoga class with Ms. Maria.  We learned all about whales and enjoyed listening to recordings of whale sounds.  We learned the sign language signs for “bed,” “ball,” and “hungry.”  For […]

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Year End Wind Down

Year End Wind Down

| May 21, 2018

Between assessments, parent/teacher conferences, a concert, and a graduation performance to prepare for, we have suspended challenge weeks until further notice, though working our academic skills will still be a part of our classroom activities every day. This week we celebrated Ramadan by making super cool lanterns and learning about Ramadan by watching a three […]

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Celebrating Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day

| May 16, 2018

Time flew by for CH-2 last week as the class was busy with various projects and challenges. For art the class created Mother’s Day cards with poems and drawings to give on Sunday to their moms . In addition the children created handprint flowers for their mothers to give as gifts. For science day the […]

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Dear Mama,

Dear Mama,

| May 14, 2018

This past week has been filled with so much excitement & experience for Toddler room 1. We currently finished our Mothers Day gift, the kids was very excited to be apart of it. We made wooden picture frames using our hand prints. We also included water play into our fun Friday’s which has been the […]

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Yoga, Birthdays, Mother’s Day and Rainbows

Yoga, Birthdays, Mother’s Day and Rainbows

| May 14, 2018

Last week was a fantastic week in the Toddler 2 class.  Ms. Maria is back, and we are back to our weekly Yoga Classes!  We all missed Yoga so much!  We also finished up the alphabet and learned about words that start with the letters X, Y and Z.  Our animal this week was the […]

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Mother’s Day Madness

Mother’s Day Madness

| May 14, 2018

What a crazy week! We started by celebrating Cinco de Mayo and making cool maracas. Then we got started with all our Mother’s Day related activities and projects.  

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Volcanos Oh My!

Volcanos Oh My!

| May 7, 2018

Last week was another eventful time for CH-2 as the class completed many challenges as well as the letter of the week. For art the children finished the second part of their windsock project but gluing brightly colored streamers along the bottom edge of their artwork. On science day the class made mini volcanos by […]

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A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

| May 7, 2018

The toddler 2 class had so much fun last week!  We learned about the color Orange, the letter W and our animal for the week was the Pig.  Then on Friday May 4th, we celebrated Star Wars Day!  We listened to Star Wars music, read Star Wars books and colored Star Wars coloring pages.  The […]

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May the Fourth Be With You!

May the Fourth Be With You!

| May 7, 2018

We made it a challenge week and enjoyed working on our academic skills. (Well… most of us did anyway!) We also celebrated the big Star Wars holiday with a dance party and cool craft. We also had an outdoor classroom day which was soooo much fun! Lastly a couple of fun pics from the week. […]

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Colors of the Rainbow

Colors of the Rainbow

| April 30, 2018

Last week CH-2 did many interesting activities for both art and science day. In addition the class completed challenges such as writing their letters, numbers as well as mathamatical problems. For art the class made nature books using images you find during spring such as flowers and rainbows. On science day the class discovered mystery […]

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