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Dinosaur Hunters!

Dinosaur Hunters!

| May 19, 2017

Though much of this week was dominated by the assessments that always precede parent teacher conferences, we were still able to enjoy our dinosaur theme and have lots of fun!     We have some new works and books that we love so much. We don’t just exercise our brains… we exercise our bodies, too! […]

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All About Colors

All About Colors

| May 19, 2017

This week we learned all about our colors. We did two colors per day and used our new flash cards. We worked on finding colors in the classroom and on our clothes. We also worked on colors outside. We used our color matching work cycle to help us as well. We also did a color […]

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

| May 15, 2017

The Toddler 2 class had a fantastic week last week!  We made cards for our moms for Mother’s Day.  We also learned all about dinosaurs and practiced yoga!  We welcomed our new friend Jove to our class this week.  This week was Teacher Appreciation Week and Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Okeyia wanted to give a big […]

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Celebrating Mothers

Celebrating Mothers

| May 14, 2017

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we were busy learning new songs in circle time and making special gifts for our moms to celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend. Miss Ebony taught our class several new songs that the children greatly enjoyed learning. This gave the children a chance to learn some new ways to exercise […]

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Mother’s Day Madness

Mother’s Day Madness

| May 12, 2017

The week in pictures.            

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this week

this week

| May 12, 2017

This week in ch1-1 we celebrated teacher appreciation and learned about mothers day. Our children worked so hard on their cards for mom and they came together pretty well! We also talked about the weather since this weeks weather has included all 4 seasons. We are saying our sad goodbyes to Miss. Sabrina and warm hellos […]

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Happy Mother’s Day and Letter Z

Happy Mother’s Day and Letter Z

| May 12, 2017

This past week was very busy for the toddlers. We made two Mother’s Day gifts based on handprints. We gave them a beautiful poem and a handprint keychain that was made from shrink dinks. For letter Z, we learned all about zebras and the zoo. We acted like different animals from the zoo. We made […]

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Hello May!

Hello May!

| May 8, 2017

The month of May is off to a great start in the Toddler 2 class!  This week we celebrated Star Wars Day (“May The Fourth Be With You”) and Cinco de Mayo!  We also enjoyed having story time and making tie-dye flowers for our craft.  We said goodbye to our friend Charlotte and welcomed our […]

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| May 7, 2017

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we continued to work on our challenges and writing skills. The children both work individually and together to complete various goals. Some of the older children worked with their younger friends to accomplish such challenges as working on numbers and vocabulary. We are very happy that the older children […]

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Dinosaur Hunters!

Dinosaur Hunters!

| May 5, 2017

This was a theme that easily got the majority vote as it’s always fun to dig in and discover dinosaurs! We got a bunch of books on the subject from the library that we’ve been studying. Plus we made a giant dinosaur footprint poster and a T-Rex skeleton. Then on Friday we made maracas in […]

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