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| February 23, 2017

WOAHHH WHAT A WEEK! We have had one busy, exciting and super fun week!! We have had not just one but TWO new friends start in our CH1-1!! Give a warm welcome to Metta and Alice! We started our week off with a super happy 3rd birthday to our friend Shreya! After our party that […]

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Valentine Week

Valentine Week

| February 20, 2017

We had so much fun in the Toddler 2 class this week!  The highlight of the week was celebrating Valentine’s Day!  Ms. Okeyia brought in yummy treats for the class, we colored Valentine’s Day coloring pages, and we exchanged Valentine cards with our class and the Toddler 1 class!  We continued the Valentine theme later […]

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“All You Need Is Love”

“All You Need Is Love”

| February 17, 2017

What an epic week! We rocked out with Ms. Marcia on Monday, checking out her super cool instrument collection and singing classic rock songs. On Tuesday we celebrated the love filled holiday that is Valentine’s Day with a party and a massive card exchange. We got so much good stuff, we had a second party […]

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this week in ch-1

this week in ch-1

| February 17, 2017

This week in ch1-1 we started the letter Ss. We thought of a ton of Ss words and learned the Ss sound. Valentines was this week and we celebrated with a party that included popcorn, cookies,  pretzels and veggie chips! We passed out our valentines cards to our friends and learned a valentines day song. […]

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Rr is for..

Rr is for..

| February 14, 2017

Last week we learned about the letter Rr! We thought of Rr words and learned the Rr sound. Ride, Right, Red, Row, Roll are some of our Rr words. We started getting into the valentines day mood with some heart crafts and songs. We made Row Row Row your boats and reviewed our letters, numbers […]

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Terrific week

Terrific week

| February 13, 2017

Well it’s happened again folks,another week has come and gone. We had a terrific first full week in February with the letter T. We talked all about words that start with the letter T, such as, Thomas, train, tickle, and the list goes on.We spent time watching some videos about animals that names start with […]

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Getting Ready For Valentine’s Day

Getting Ready For Valentine’s Day

| February 13, 2017

We finished up with the alphabet this past week in the Toddler 2 class by learning about the letters X, Y and Z!  We also learned a new sign language sign this week- “flower.”  We decorated bags with stickers for our Valentine Card exchange coming up this week!  Our friend Aubrey turned 2, and we […]

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Creepy Crawlies

Creepy Crawlies

| February 10, 2017

From underwater adventures into the garden. This week we began our (democratically chosen) new theme… Insects and Spiders. Did you know not all insects are considered bugs? Neither did we until this week! Our major project ended up taking all week as it was a multi step process and we were distracted by challenge doing […]

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All About Love

All About Love

| February 10, 2017

It was our All About Love week in Toddler Room 1!!!! We did everything surrounding Valentine’s Day and made crafts for our parents. We read several Valentine’s Day books and had a grand dance party on Friday! We decorated our Valentine’s Day Card bag with lots of stickers and we colored it red and pink. […]

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Animals All Around

Animals All Around

| February 7, 2017

Children’s House 2-1 classroom learned all about undersea life this week. Octopi, sharks, eels, whales and dolphins were all around. We all contributed to our Undersea Mural which we hung on the wall to decorate our classroom. We continue to work on many different activities during our “Work Cycle”. Cooperative projects, like puzzles are very […]

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