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New Friends And Police Badges

New Friends And Police Badges

| October 24, 2016

This week the Toddlers were visited by a Police Officer who gave all the toddlers cool Police Badge stickers!  We did a Sensory Play activity and learned all about the letter I.  For our Halloween craft this week, the toddlers made Mummies out of masking tape.  Our new friend Lara started in our class this […]

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The Rise of the Mammals

The Rise of the Mammals

| October 21, 2016

This week we turned our attention from reptiles to mammals, learning why mammals are higher up on the food chain and what advantages we have over those poor reptiles with their cold blood and reptilian brains. Here’s a pictorial journey through our week. We also had a bunch of fun this week…

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Grapes and Garbage Trucks

Grapes and Garbage Trucks

| October 21, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we learned all about the letter G! We began the week off reading a book that had G words and pictures in it. We then talked about Garbage trucks. The toddlers love to see the garbage truck when it goes down the street. We talked about the garbage truck […]

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colors and shapes

colors and shapes

| October 21, 2016

This week was all about colors and shapes! We started our week with looking at shapes and different colors. On Tuesday we circle stamped with paper towel tubes and primary colors. We finished off the day with Miss. Olivias birthday party that featured ice cream and ginger snap cookies! Wednesday we made triangle fall trees […]

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Mathamatics in Children’s House 2-1

Mathamatics in Children’s House 2-1

| October 19, 2016

This week in Children’s House 2-1 we learned how to count in sequence from 1 to 20. We worked on simple addition, matching, number recognition and writing out numbers. In our craft time we made paper ice cream cones, writing numbers on each scoop! We also enjoyed painting colorful watercolors as well. We worked with play […]

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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Toddler Fun

Toddler Fun

| October 17, 2016

This week we continued with our alphabet and learned all about the letter H!  We also continued with our Halloween crafts and made ghosts using Dot-A-Dot paint!  The toddlers also learned about the color yellow and the sign language sign for “stop”.  We also colored with chalk on the playground!      

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G is great

G is great

| October 17, 2016

This week we learned about the letter g. The class discussed all the words we knew that started with g. Some of our favorites were, green, gorilla, grapes, grass and ghost! Everyone had a chance to practice writing the lowercase g on a whiteboard. They also passed around the sandpaper letter and practiced tracing it. […]

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Reptile Revolution

Reptile Revolution

| October 14, 2016

We started our chapter on Animals this week with an introduction to Reptiles. We learned all about their scaly skin, scary fangs, and cold blooded ways. Besides studying our relevant library books and playing reptile related games, we worked on multiple craft projects. You can find our cool snakes hanging from the ceiling. We also […]

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Fire Safety and Fingerpainting

Fire Safety and Fingerpainting

| October 14, 2016

It’s National Fire Safety Week! In Toddler Room 1, this week happened to come during our letter F week which equaled perfect timing. We began our week learning about letter F and how it looks a little different from E.We did some fingerprinting on a big letter F and acted like green frogs! We then […]

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