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School Pictures!

School Pictures!

| September 26, 2016

We had lots of fun in the Toddler 2 class this week!  Wednesday was School Picture Day, and it was very exciting have a photographer come to take all of our pictures!  The toddlers looked great dressing up for picture day, and many of them showed off their modeling skills for the photos!  We can’t […]

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Week of Nature

Week of Nature

| September 26, 2016

In Children’s House 2-1 we enjoyed our weekly music lesion with Miss Marcia. Our students love to express themselves artistically, and music is such a large part of this expression. We read the stories of “The Tree Little Pigs” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We acted out the stories and took turns playing the […]

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Colors Creations

Colors Creations

| September 26, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1 was all about the letter C. We started off the week talking about colors and introduced a new color matching work. We also celebrated our friend Andreas’ birthday. We also read the book “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?” The toddlers made cookies using brown puffy paint. […]

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Dancing dinosaurs

Dancing dinosaurs

| September 26, 2016

Last week was all about the letter d! We talked about daddy’s, doctors, dinosaurs and dancing. We pretended we were ducks and quacked around the classroom then took a break and became dogs. We discussed our love for donuts and when we are well behaved we get to eat them. We read three books all […]

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Alphabet Soup

Alphabet Soup

| September 23, 2016

This week we’re delving into the literary world of letter recognition, phonetics, and writing the alphabet. We painted a letter mural on the playground. Though the rain was unfortunate. We also created some mixed media collage materials using our scraps and scissors and then added U and V to our classroom alphabet display… One of […]

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readyyyy set…. learn!

readyyyy set…. learn!

| September 23, 2016

Welcome to the letter Cc. We baked cookies and ate them on top of coconut milk ice cream. We took turn mixing the ingredients together in the bowl. We celebrated Williams 3rd birthday and ate strawberries and graham crackers as his special treat! We leaned all about the ocean and what lives under the sea […]

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personal hygiene!

personal hygiene!

| September 20, 2016

We had a great week in our fantastic room! We talked about personal hygiene and how it keeps us clean and healthy! We learned a song for washing hands and we talked about brushing our teeth and covering our mouth with our elbow when we cough or sneeze! We celebrated Miss. Toris birthday on Wednesday […]

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Birthday Fun!

Birthday Fun!

| September 19, 2016

We had extra fun this week in the Toddler 2 class, because three of our friends celebrated their birthdays this week!  Charlotte, Madeleine and Gus all turned 2 this week!  We also learned all about the letter D and about triangle and circle shapes.  We learned the sign language sign for “Thank you” as well. […]

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Numbers, Week 2

Numbers, Week 2

| September 16, 2016

We happily continued our exploration of numbers this week and also segued briefly into character building activities which is always important. One of our favorite things in the whole world in the classroom is play doh so we decided to mold it into numbers, giving ourselves a refresher on number recognition, as well as a […]

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Letter B Week

Letter B Week

| September 16, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we focused on the letter B. We went over all of our favorite letter B words. We looked at the letter B and worked on recognition of the letter as we did with letter A. We talked about brown bears and read a book about bears in our class. […]

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