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The Sky Up Above

The Sky Up Above

| August 15, 2016

Our theme this week was “What’s In The Sky?”  The toddlers in the Toddler 2 class learned about things we see in the sky during the day like the sun, clouds and birds and also about things we see in the sky at night like stars, planets and the moon!  We also learned that this week […]

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up up and AWAY!

up up and AWAY!

| August 13, 2016

whats in the sky? well.. if you asked our class they would tell you rainbows, bugs, airplanes, the sun and moon, stars, planets and the list goes on and on. This week we made rainbows, birds and oobleck! YUCK! we read tons of awesome books and learned all about the sky. we sky watched on […]

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Up in the sky

Up in the sky

| August 12, 2016

This week we focused on things we see in the sky. It was a great opportunity to use our senses to see and hear things that were in the sky. As a group we made a list of everything we saw. It was a fairly calm day, so clouds were a popular answer. We also […]

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What do you see in the sky?

What do you see in the sky?

| August 12, 2016

Our toddlers enjoyed our What’s in the sky theme this week. We started the week out talking about  birds that fly in the sky. We made bird mobiles that we can hang anywhere we want to. We then discussed how we can look at things in the sky by using binoculars and telescopes. We decided […]

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Look up!

Look up!

| August 12, 2016

What do you see when you look up at the sky? This was a question we asked ourselves this week as we explored the air above us. First we made puffy clouds using sponges, white paint, and baby blue construction paper. Then we created an airplane out of a large cardboard box, but after Ms. […]

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Setting Sail!

Setting Sail!

| August 8, 2016

Our theme this week was “I’m On A Boat” and the toddlers had lots of fun learning all about boats.  We made boat crafts and played in a water sensory bucket that taught us about how boats float!  This week we said goodbye to our friend Naseer who moved up to the Transition class!  

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We are on a boat!

We are on a boat!

| August 7, 2016

Rocking with the water, moving so steadily.. WE ARE ON A BOAT! Well.. not really. This week we welcomed back Miss.Tori and we learned about boats. We talked about different kinds of boats, what we may see in the water and what we may see above us. Some might even say we could see an […]

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Boat Building and Books about Water

Boat Building and Books about Water

| August 5, 2016

What a fun week! First we welcomed 2 new members of our Montessori family… Ms. Brittany and Natasha. We painted and did many creative projects, like origami boats and boats made out of styrofoam and wood, things we knew would float since we tested items scientifically in an activity called “Sink or Float?” We had […]

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Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine

| August 5, 2016

The past few weeks at Montessori of Carrboro have been filled with North Carolina facts, magic tricks and boats. CH 1-2 learned about the NC state bird, tree and flower. We had pictures printed out and placed on the wall for reference. Last week was all about magic tricks. The kids found this theme especially fun. […]

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Magnificent Mysterious Magic

Magnificent Mysterious Magic

| August 1, 2016

Our theme this week was “Magic Tricks” and boy was it a magical week!  We did lots of science “magic” tricks and grew crystals, made a volcano erupt and filled up a plastic bag with gas.  For our craft this week, we colored bunnies and had them come out of hats.  Ms. Lindsay made magic […]

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