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wacky celebrations

wacky celebrations

| June 30, 2016

Have you ever heard of the celebration called pudding day? or what about international doughnut day…. well. In ch 1-1 we celebrated international pudding day, sunglasses day… and even international popcorn day. We ate different flavors of popcorn including…. CHOCOLATE, SALTED CARAMEL, WHITE CHEDDAR.. AND PLAIN! We colored sunglasses on international sunglasses day and we […]

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Island Summer Fun!

Island Summer Fun!

| June 27, 2016

Our theme this week was “Island Vacation” and what a fun theme it was!  The Toddlers in the Toddler 2 class learned all about islands.  We had fun dancing to Caribbean island music.  We also got to celebrate our Island Vacation by drinking Passion Fruit juice and smoothies.  So yummy!  For our craft this week, […]

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Just keep swimming

Just keep swimming

| June 27, 2016

This week in our house we went on an island vacation! We createdd a map to our island that we named HOT ICE. Half was hot and half was cold. We ate lots of fruit and we even made OCEAN JELL-O! We colored island fish and we hung them on the walls. We said goodbye […]

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Islands and Palm Trees

Islands and Palm Trees

| June 24, 2016

This weeks theme at Montessori was Island Vacation. We talked about islands being surrounded by water or how an island had “water on all sides”, how many islands are warm or tropical and we also made a few island crafts. The first craft is a pineapple. We used Q-tips and paint to make them. On […]

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Noises And Sounds

Noises And Sounds

| June 21, 2016

Our theme last week was “Outside Sounds.”  The toddlers in the Toddler 2 class listened to recordings of outdoor sounds such as birds, rain, and city noises.  We talked about animals we find outside and the sounds they make!  For our craft this week, we made Rain Sticks.  We also made presents for our daddies […]

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Flowers and Fathers

Flowers and Fathers

| June 17, 2016

We spent a fun filled week working on some cool projects. First we made flowers out of tissue paper, egg cartons and glue. Next we made a catch all jar as a Father’s Day gift that also worked as a fine motor skill activity. Besides the jars, we made cards and wrote Happy Father’s Day. […]

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Toddlers love Campfire Sounds

Toddlers love Campfire Sounds

| June 17, 2016

This week for our Summer Themes we had Outside Sounds. In Toddler Room 1, we listened to vehicle sounds that we may hear outside. We played a sound game that we had to identify which vehicle the sound came from. When the fire truck sound came on, all of the toddlers ran to the window […]

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bee-do bee-do bee-do!!

bee-do bee-do bee-do!!

| June 17, 2016

This week we talked all about different sounds we hear outside! Maybe you can hear the wind? or maybe you can hear a fire truck? what about a bird or a bee? We talked about different sounds rain makes and the sounds that might come with rain.. thunder and lightning. We created our own lightning […]

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Kicking Off Summer with Colorful Fun!

Kicking Off Summer with Colorful Fun!

| June 13, 2016

This week was the first week of summer school!  Our theme for the week was “Color Me Happy” so we learned about colors and emotions.  The toddlers in the Toddler 2 class had fun coloring with crayons and decorating their drawings with smiley face stickers.  For our craft this week, we painted yellow happy faces, […]

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Color Me Crazy!

Color Me Crazy!

| June 10, 2016

What a fantastic first week of our summer program! We talked emotions all week and used colors to create cool art, but most of all we enjoyed each others’ company. We had our first Splash Day and it was a rousing success. We made gorgeous flowers our of marbled paper and egg cartons. After blinging […]

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