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We love animals!

We love animals!

| May 25, 2016

We’re enjoying animals so much that we decided to keep it rolling. Our big project this week is a mixed media bird window display. As usual, it’s a multi-step process that’s taking us most of the week, but the end results promise to be awesome. Stay tuned next week for a the picture. First we […]

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Frogs in Ponds

Frogs in Ponds

| May 24, 2016

Our frogs are finally in our pond joining our turtles on their logs.  Frog, pond and log all include the short o sound, which we’ve explored along with the other short vowels practicing rhyming words.  We’ve also worked with the letters T and F making long lists of words together.  With all the rain we’ve […]

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Hello Rain!

Hello Rain!

| May 23, 2016

This week the Toddler 2 class continued learning their ABCs and learned about the letters U and V!  We had a lot of rainy days this past week, so it was only appropriate that we made umbrellas for our art craft this week!  But all this rain has been wonderful for the seeds we planted […]

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Under the Sea

Under the Sea

| May 20, 2016

UNDER THE SEA! This week in Toddler Room 1, our theme had everything to do with the ocean and the sea. We read several books on different animals that resided in the water. We had an activity which we imitated how each of our favorite animals swam! We had each toddler case between three sea […]

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“Ee” is in oc(E)an

“Ee” is in oc(E)an

| May 19, 2016

Oh what did we do this week? Well we talked about a whole bunch of fun stuff, if you ask me! We talked about what is in the ocean! our answers were awesome!! MERMAIDS, FISH, WHALES, SHARKS, DOLPHINS! WHO KNEW! We talked about how our seeds have been growing outside from the rain this week. […]

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The Rise of the Mammals!

The Rise of the Mammals!

| May 18, 2016

The end of last week we were still knee deep into Dinosaurs and were so excited about our biggest project, the dinosaur print mural! After finishing up our studies on Dinosaurs, our friends in Children’s House 2-2 are now diving into Animals. We’ve been reading up on all the different kinds of animals, like mammals […]

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Caterpillars and Chickens

Caterpillars and Chickens

| May 16, 2016

We continued learning about the alphabet this week and covered the letters S and T.  For our craft this week, we made caterpillars!  We also spent lots of time outside this week.  We planted seeds in the planter boxes on the playground.  We have also been having so much fun with our new pet chickens! […]

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May Flowers Bring Mother’s Day

May Flowers Bring Mother’s Day

| May 16, 2016

We had a great week learning about the life cycle of frogs from tadpole to frog and making Mother’s Day bookmarks.

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Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

| May 13, 2016

This week was our Gardens and Plants Week! We had Science Monday to start off the week and did an experiment called Dancing Worms. We talked about how worms were very important for the plants to grow. We read two books on the process of plant growing. We then planted flower seeds in our outside gardens. […]

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Blast off!

Blast off!

| May 12, 2016

We have finished the alphabet, counted past 50, learned how to add and now we are learning about space! All the kids love talking about outer space. We have one book that we have been reading all week. It has descriptions of the planets, sun and moon. We also enjoyed a book about living in […]

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