Carrboro Academy

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This week in OUR house!

This week in OUR house!

| April 28, 2016

This week in OUR house we finished with the letter “Aa” and started with the letter “Bb”. We ended “A” with airplanes to our windows and we started “B” with Butterfly. We talked about what words start with the letter B (Book, Bike, Butterfly, Bee etc.). We started to look over numbers 1-10 and our […]

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All About that Body!

All About that Body!

| April 27, 2016

The end of last week we devoted to Earth Day FINALLY finishing the globe we worked on all week. Then we went straight into talking about our bodies, not just physically, but also our personalities and emotions. One of the projects we enjoyed was creating life sized self portraits.   We also created a new […]

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Fingerpainting Fun!

Fingerpainting Fun!

| April 25, 2016

Another fun week of learning and growing in the Toddler 2 class!  This week we learned about the letter N as we continued working through the alphabet.  For our artwork this week, we got to fingerpaint!  The toddlers all had so much fun getting messy.  We also had a lot of fun coloring with crayons […]

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Catching Zzzzs

Catching Zzzzs

| April 22, 2016

This week was all about the letter Z! We learned all about Catching Zzzzs. The toddlers were taught how to make fake snore sounds and fold their hands as if they were sleeping. We learned about Zebras and how they were a horses brother but only black and white. We then expanded our learning on […]

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Soaring high is ch1-1

Soaring high is ch1-1

| April 22, 2016

This week in our classroom, we started over with our alphabet.. LETTER A! We are recognizing what words start with this letter (Apple, Ant, April, Acorn, Arrow). We started making our SUMMER theme in our room as well! We started with kites! So we are soaring high and reaching for our dreams! Make sure to […]

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New Beginnings and Earth Day

New Beginnings and Earth Day

| April 20, 2016

Changes have come to our happy Montessori classroom as we welcome new friends AND a new teacher… Taylor, Eli, and Ms. Olivia all moved up from Children’s House 1 this week and we could not be more excited for the additions! Our upcoming theme will be “All About Ourselves: the Study of Humans” but first […]

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| April 18, 2016

Asia was our next continent in our study of the world.  While Asia is huge, it was easy to narrow down which country to study, because our student Maggie hails from China. She brought in a wonderful informative show and share about pandas and we read our classroom’s panda book.  For folk tales, we read […]

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Spring Gardens

Spring Gardens

| April 18, 2016

On the Spring Equinox we began our Spring garden project.  We started by painting four green squares using sponges, screens, corks and brushes in variety of shades of green paint. Then we collaged flowers and bugs with abstract shapes cut from construction paper. Now we have a vibrant spring garden to enjoy in our classroom. […]

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Stories, Music and Art

Stories, Music and Art

| April 18, 2016

We had so much fun this week in the Toddler 2 class.  We started off the week with Story Time and read lots of books about animals!  In music class the toddlers got to play tambourines this week.  For our craft, we painted strawberries!  And we had lots of fun playing with Play-Doh.  

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Yellow starts with Y

Yellow starts with Y

| April 15, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we discussed the letter Y. We went over words that start with Y such as yellow, yarn, yak, yo-yo, yucky, yummy, and yes. Toddlers were tasked with finding the color Yellow in our classroom. We found blocks and books that had yellow. They did so great with the color […]

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