Tag: academic challenges

Emotional Awareness

Emotional Awareness

| February 12, 2018

This past week we did a lot of talking about how we feel about things, including each other and how we can deal with those feelings in a positive way, whether the feelings themselves are good or bad. We also had a very strong challenges week with many of our friends earning dips and all […]

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Back to Basics

Back to Basics

| September 8, 2017

This was a week of getting used to how the challenge board works and transitioning from the fun themes of summer to the academic themes of the school year. Many of our friends did extremely well with over half earning a dip in the treasure box. In addition, we had our first yoga class this […]

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And So It Begins…

And So It Begins…

| September 1, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-’18 school year as welcome new faces and bid a sad farewell to those who are moving on… We had a fantastic first week beginning with a party for Molly and Theo. We learned about the classroom, made a new set of rules for ourselves, and did lots of fun art projects. […]

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National Champions!!!

National Champions!!!

| April 7, 2017

We came in Monday full of excitement for the big game. Unfortunately this spilled over into music class and many of us ended up using terrible manners. Luckily there was redemption in the form of a challenge board. Show and Tell was on the line and my friends were determined to capture that elusive prize […]

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Pending Snowpocalypse!

Pending Snowpocalypse!

| January 6, 2017

What a fantastic first week back! We took a minute to readjust to classroom life and spent the rest of the week enjoying our friends to the fullest. So much so that only Livia finished her challenges this week. Congratulations, Livia! Our major project of the week was a mixed media collage that we created […]

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