Tag: Alphabet



| March 17, 2020

Last week was a great week in the Toddler 2 class! We finished up with the alphabet and learned about words that start with X, Y and Z. This week we will start learning colors! Our animal for the week was the flamingo. We also learned how to say “School” in Sign Language. For our […]

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Monster Mash

Monster Mash

| October 14, 2019

This past week was another great week in the Toddler 2 class! We continued with our alphabet and learned about words that start with the letter E. Our animal this week was the Dog. We also learned how to say “Mommy” in Sign Language. We continued with our Halloween crafts for this month and made […]

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New school year, who dis?

New school year, who dis?

| August 30, 2019

We are so excited for a new year of playing, learning and growing! This week we eased back into work cycle and reviewed our numbers, letters, shapes and colors! We are working hard on name recognition too! Have a great holiday weekend and see everyone Tuesday!

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Hello Summer!!

Hello Summer!!

| May 31, 2019

This week we finished the alphabet with learning about U, V, W, X, Y and Z! We had a science experiment on Tuesday with volcanic eruptions! On Wednesday we enjoyed yoga and some water play including washing dishes! Thursday we painted zebra stripes! Friday we celebrated the end of the school year with a popsicle […]

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Colorful Butterflies

Colorful Butterflies

| January 28, 2019

We had a short week last week due to the Martin Luther King Jr holiday. Even though we had fewer days, the Toddler 2 class still managed to get a lot done last week! We enjoyed singing during Music class and stretching during Yoga class. We also learned about ostriches, words that start with the […]

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Fingerpainting Fun

Fingerpainting Fun

| October 8, 2018

October is off to a fantastic start in the Toddler 2 class!  This past week we learned about words that start with the letter C.  We also learned how to say “please” in sign language.  Our animal for the week was the Turtle.  For our craft, we had fun fingerpainting with yellow and red paints.  […]

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Welcome Ms. Casey

Welcome Ms. Casey

| September 25, 2018

It’s been quite a week in the Toddler 2 class.  Ms. Lindsay was out of town for most of the week, but she is happy to be back.  We started with our alphabet and learned all about words that start with the letter A.  For our craft, we used Do-A-Dot paints to color Paw Patrol […]

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Hello summer!

Hello summer!

| June 5, 2018

We have reached the end of the school year! We are excited to have finished our alphabet! We ended with the letter Z and even made zebra masks to celebrate. We enjoyed yoga and built a zoo to host all our animals! We look forward to all the fun adventures summer holds for us and […]

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A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

| May 7, 2018

The toddler 2 class had so much fun last week!  We learned about the color Orange, the letter W and our animal for the week was the Pig.  Then on Friday May 4th, we celebrated Star Wars Day!  We listened to Star Wars music, read Star Wars books and colored Star Wars coloring pages.  The […]

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Fun with friends and earth day!

Fun with friends and earth day!

| April 20, 2018

We have had a busy couple of weeks! We have continued to work hard and are doing two letters a week now! We are chugging right along! We always have a good time on music Monday! We love to shake and move with Miss Dani!   We love to use our imagination together! Here we […]

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