Tag: animals

Choo Choo!

Choo Choo!

| January 7, 2019

Last week was a short week due to the New Year’s holiday. The Toddler 2 class learned about pandas and about words that start with the letter N. For our craft, we painted trains with Do-A-Dot paints. Ms. Lindsay will be out of town Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Ms. Melissa and Ms. Laura […]

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Fingerpainting Fun

Fingerpainting Fun

| October 8, 2018

October is off to a fantastic start in the Toddler 2 class!  This past week we learned about words that start with the letter C.  We also learned how to say “please” in sign language.  Our animal for the week was the Turtle.  For our craft, we had fun fingerpainting with yellow and red paints.  […]

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On The Farm!

On The Farm!

| August 20, 2018

Our theme this past week was “Barnyard Palooza.”  We read books about farm animals, sang songs about farm animals, and learned all about all the kinds of animals that live on farms.  For our craft this week, we made sheep using cotton balls.  We welcomed our new friend Violet to our class, and we said […]

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Polar Opposites

Polar Opposites

| July 23, 2018

This past week, our theme was “Polar Opposites: Arctic vs Safari.”  The toddlers learned about animals that live in cold climates and animals that live in hot climates.  We also learned about what we wear when it’s cold outside and what we wear when it’s hot outside.  For our craft we made Desert/Snow landscape scenes.  […]

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Hello summer!

Hello summer!

| June 5, 2018

We have reached the end of the school year! We are excited to have finished our alphabet! We ended with the letter Z and even made zebra masks to celebrate. We enjoyed yoga and built a zoo to host all our animals! We look forward to all the fun adventures summer holds for us and […]

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We All Scream For Ice Cream

We All Scream For Ice Cream

| May 29, 2018

The Toddler 2 class hopes everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!  We had another great week last week.  We learned about the color purple and mixed blue and red drops of food coloring in water to watch it make purple.  We enjoyed doing Yoga class with Ms. Maria and music class with Ms. Danny.  […]

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A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

| May 7, 2018

The toddler 2 class had so much fun last week!  We learned about the color Orange, the letter W and our animal for the week was the Pig.  Then on Friday May 4th, we celebrated Star Wars Day!  We listened to Star Wars music, read Star Wars books and colored Star Wars coloring pages.  The […]

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Ducks And Pineapples

Ducks And Pineapples

| April 17, 2018

The Toddler 2 class had a wonderful week last week!  We learned about words that start with the letter U.  We also learned about ducks.  For our craft, we made handprint pineapples.  Ms. Lindsay will be out of town all next week, but Ms. Jay is very excited about working in the Toddler 2 room […]

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Let Your Imagination Fly

Let Your Imagination Fly

| March 5, 2018

In CH-2 last week the children worked on their challenges such as reading, writing and phonetics . For art the children made foam animals after we discussed the different animals you can find in Africa and Asia such as lions and monkeys. For science day the class was given marshmallows, straws and toothpicks to see […]

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Welcome March

Welcome March

| March 5, 2018

This past week, the Toddler 2 class said goodbye to February and hello to March.  Ms. Maria will be traveling over the next couple months, so we won’t be having yoga classes until later in the spring.  We do miss yoga, but we are enjoying our weekly music classes with Ms. Danny!  Last week we […]

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