Tag: art

Creepy Crawlies

Creepy Crawlies

| February 10, 2017

From underwater adventures into the garden. This week we began our (democratically chosen) new theme… Insects and Spiders. Did you know not all insects are considered bugs? Neither did we until this week! Our major project ended up taking all week as it was a multi step process and we were distracted by challenge doing […]

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

| December 23, 2016

It is our last week of school for 2016 and we had so much fun! We began our first annual Winter Week which we have a different theme each school day. Monday was Color Wars, each age group was assigned a color and who ever wore the most of their color that day, won! Of […]

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Kites and Kittens

Kites and Kittens

| December 2, 2016

This week was all about the letter K in Toddler Room 1. We began the week talking all about Kisses. We read two books, “Kiss Kiss” and “Perfect Kisses”. We then ate pieces of yummy Hershey Kisses! Next we talked about Kittens. We held our stuff kitten in class and the toddlers made meow sounds […]

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Fridays are for fun and blogs!

Fridays are for fun and blogs!

| November 18, 2016

What can we say? We have had a super fun week in our lovely classroom! We started the week with music Monday and talked about the letter Gg. We painted Gg with GREEN paint and we painted and cut our creepy Green Garden snakes. Playing in water beads is our new favorite even though it […]

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letter f

letter f

| November 15, 2016

This week we learned about the letter Ff. We learned the sound it makes and what words start with it. We made a Popsicle stick fox and created plate flowers! We face painted to look like football players! We had a dance party and had a ton of fun on fun Friday. next up.. LETTER […]

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Halloween Week & Space

Halloween Week & Space

| November 4, 2016

What a week for a ton of fun. We started our week by ending the month of October with Halloween! We dressed in out Halloween best and went trick or treating around school.. needless to say we got tons of goodies! We then started talking all about space. We talked about how some planets are […]

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The Rise of the Mammals

The Rise of the Mammals

| October 21, 2016

This week we turned our attention from reptiles to mammals, learning why mammals are higher up on the food chain and what advantages we have over those poor reptiles with their cold blood and reptilian brains. Here’s a pictorial journey through our week. We also had a bunch of fun this week…

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colors and shapes

colors and shapes

| October 21, 2016

This week was all about colors and shapes! We started our week with looking at shapes and different colors. On Tuesday we circle stamped with paper towel tubes and primary colors. We finished off the day with Miss. Olivias birthday party that featured ice cream and ginger snap cookies! Wednesday we made triangle fall trees […]

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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G is great

G is great

| October 17, 2016

This week we learned about the letter g. The class discussed all the words we knew that started with g. Some of our favorites were, green, gorilla, grapes, grass and ghost! Everyone had a chance to practice writing the lowercase g on a whiteboard. They also passed around the sandpaper letter and practiced tracing it. […]

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