Tag: arts



| October 28, 2019

Last week CH-2 created their own scarecrows and attempted to create rain in a jar. On Tuesday the children made scarecrows out of paper bags, pipe cleaners and colored construction papers. The classes favorite part of the activity was drawing the goofy smiles on their scarecrows. On Thursday the class made rain in a jar […]

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1…2…3 Blast Off!!!!

1…2…3 Blast Off!!!!

| June 3, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, our theme was SPACE! We read a book about how we can land on the moon and what materials we need to go into space such as a rocket ship, a helmet, moon boots for stomps, a space ship, and space food. The toddlers loved acting like they were […]

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The Letter T

The Letter T

| February 26, 2016

We went over the Letter T this week. We talked about all different objects that started with the letter T. The Toddlers walked around the room and we sounded out the letter T. We encouraged the toddlers to try to pronounce the words that start with T such as toys, turtle, teachers, trains, teeth, and […]

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