Tag: arts and crafts



| January 23, 2017

Time has been flying by. LITTERALY! We have done a lot of free art and continued our alphabet. We practiced writing our letters in paint.. but not just any paint, but paint shapes. We then mixed the colors to make secondary colors. We created bead hearts and even had a special guest! We love playing […]

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thanksgiving week

thanksgiving week

| November 28, 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! Here is a little of what we did for our short week, last week. On Monday we wished Tessa a very happy happy 3rd birthday! We had yummy blueberry muffins. Tuesday we talked about what we are thankful for.. these answers included our mommies and daddies, our siblings, […]

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letter f

letter f

| November 15, 2016

This week we learned about the letter Ff. We learned the sound it makes and what words start with it. We made a Popsicle stick fox and created plate flowers! We face painted to look like football players! We had a dance party and had a ton of fun on fun Friday. next up.. LETTER […]

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Halloween Week & Space

Halloween Week & Space

| November 4, 2016

What a week for a ton of fun. We started our week by ending the month of October with Halloween! We dressed in out Halloween best and went trick or treating around school.. needless to say we got tons of goodies! We then started talking all about space. We talked about how some planets are […]

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colors and shapes

colors and shapes

| October 21, 2016

This week was all about colors and shapes! We started our week with looking at shapes and different colors. On Tuesday we circle stamped with paper towel tubes and primary colors. We finished off the day with Miss. Olivias birthday party that featured ice cream and ginger snap cookies! Wednesday we made triangle fall trees […]

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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Toddler Fun

Toddler Fun

| October 17, 2016

This week we continued with our alphabet and learned all about the letter H!  We also continued with our Halloween crafts and made ghosts using Dot-A-Dot paint!  The toddlers also learned about the color yellow and the sign language sign for “stop”.  We also colored with chalk on the playground!      

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ch 1-1

ch 1-1

| October 6, 2016

WOW! What a wonderful week! We are officially in the month of October and the weather is starting to cool down! We have learned about the letter Ee and we have started shapes and colors! We have learned what a octagon is as well as a pentagon! One of our crafts was to make a […]

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dog, daddy, dance, dinner and dragon!

dog, daddy, dance, dinner and dragon!

| September 29, 2016

We have talked all about the letter Dd this week! We started the week off with music and what words we thought started with letter Dd! We celebrated grahams 3rd birthday with the walk around the sun and some yummy fruit! We then stared our dragon craft! This included painting a ton of paper towel […]

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Colors Creations

Colors Creations

| September 26, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1 was all about the letter C. We started off the week talking about colors and introduced a new color matching work. We also celebrated our friend Andreas’ birthday. We also read the book “Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?” The toddlers made cookies using brown puffy paint. […]

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