Tag: birthday party

these last few weeks

these last few weeks

| April 26, 2017

These last few weeks have flew by. We have finished our alphabet, made some pretty awesome crafts and even worked on numbers, shapes and colors. We have made a ton of crafts and even floor colored. Paint is always a big hit along with free drawing! We are moving closer and closer to summer and […]

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thanksgiving week

thanksgiving week

| November 28, 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! Here is a little of what we did for our short week, last week. On Monday we wished Tessa a very happy happy 3rd birthday! We had yummy blueberry muffins. Tuesday we talked about what we are thankful for.. these answers included our mommies and daddies, our siblings, […]

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colors and shapes

colors and shapes

| October 21, 2016

This week was all about colors and shapes! We started our week with looking at shapes and different colors. On Tuesday we circle stamped with paper towel tubes and primary colors. We finished off the day with Miss. Olivias birthday party that featured ice cream and ginger snap cookies! Wednesday we made triangle fall trees […]

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readyyyy set…. learn!

readyyyy set…. learn!

| September 23, 2016

Welcome to the letter Cc. We baked cookies and ate them on top of coconut milk ice cream. We took turn mixing the ingredients together in the bowl. We celebrated Williams 3rd birthday and ate strawberries and graham crackers as his special treat! We leaned all about the ocean and what lives under the sea […]

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personal hygiene!

personal hygiene!

| September 20, 2016

We had a great week in our fantastic room! We talked about personal hygiene and how it keeps us clean and healthy! We learned a song for washing hands and we talked about brushing our teeth and covering our mouth with our elbow when we cough or sneeze! We celebrated Miss. Toris birthday on Wednesday […]

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Birthday Fun!

Birthday Fun!

| September 19, 2016

We had extra fun this week in the Toddler 2 class, because three of our friends celebrated their birthdays this week!  Charlotte, Madeleine and Gus all turned 2 this week!  We also learned all about the letter D and about triangle and circle shapes.  We learned the sign language sign for “Thank you” as well. […]

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Birthday Celebrations!

Birthday Celebrations!

| December 14, 2015

We had two birthdays in our class this week!  Our friends Bruno and Kate both turned 2!  We had lots of fun celebrating with yummy cupcakes.  This week we also learned the shapes square, triangle, rectangle, and circle.  In music class we played jingle bells.  And for our craft this week, we made snowmen out […]

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Birthday Celebrations!

Birthday Celebrations!

| November 24, 2015

This week two of the toddler teachers celebrated their birthdays- Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Mandy!  The Toddler 2 class celebrated Ms. Lindsay’s birthday with noisemakers, bubbles and a special snack- frozen pineapple!  We also made balloon crafts as part of the celebration!  This week we also learned the sign language signs for “please” and “thank […]

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