Tag: books

Fun in the Summer Sun!

Fun in the Summer Sun!

| June 26, 2020

CH-2 is having a blast with our summer themes! When we’re not spending time outside soaking up the sun, we are inside learning, crafting, and sharing. For our zoo theme, we talked about our favorite zoo animals and even learned some signs to represent them in American Sign Language. We talked about the predator/prey relationship, […]

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Snow business

Snow business

| February 24, 2020

Last week we had fun working on our imagination skills. We flexed our creative muscles in crafting mixed media collages. We also worked on some fine motor skills with play dough. The class enjoyed free art coloring in groups as well! Looking at books is one of our favorite things to do! Then we had […]

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Cold and rain go away!

Cold and rain go away!

| January 24, 2020

This week was a bit short but it felt long because of all the inside time we had due to cold and rain! On Tuesday we read and learned about Martin Luther King Jr and why we didn’t come to school on Monday. Wednesday we had library day and Thursday we colored the letter K. […]

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| December 2, 2019

It was a short week before we went home for Thanksgiving, but we enjoyed several crafts, did plenty of puzzles and read countless books.

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Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy

| September 9, 2019

This week we began our lesson on our bodies with an interesting discussion about our 206 bones and how they make up our skeleton.

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All About ME!

All About ME!

| March 11, 2019

We ended our dinosaur theme halfway through this week and started studying about our bodies.

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Dr. Seuss Day

Dr. Seuss Day

| March 4, 2019

We had a very fun week in the Toddler 2 class last week. We learned how to say “Good” in sign language, about words that start with the letter V, and all about butterflies. We enjoyed music class with Ms. Danni. Unfortunately, Ms. Maria was out sick so no yoga class this week. Instead, we […]

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Making it Work!

Making it Work!

| July 9, 2018

How things work week is always a lot of fun. We even had a guest teacher, Mr. Green Jeans (otherwise known as John Loy, my wonderful spouse) who came to show off his beloved studio work truck complete with a thousand tools and electricity. The kids especially enjoyed getting lifted with the jack and riding […]

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Bugs, Books, and Bumble Bees!!

Bugs, Books, and Bumble Bees!!

| September 22, 2017

What a fun week in the Toddler Classroom! This week we learned all about the letter B, along with reviewing the letter A.  We had music/dance class and yoga.  The kid’s really enjoy these activities and look forward to them each week.  For the letter B, we learned about bugs, books, birds, and bumble bees!! […]

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Dinosaur Hunters!

Dinosaur Hunters!

| May 19, 2017

Though much of this week was dominated by the assessments that always precede parent teacher conferences, we were still able to enjoy our dinosaur theme and have lots of fun!     We have some new works and books that we love so much. We don’t just exercise our brains… we exercise our bodies, too! […]

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