Tag: celebrated

Helpful Neighbors

Helpful Neighbors

| August 12, 2019

For Community Helpers week we’ve had visits from both firefighters and police officers. We had a cool art project with sand, paint, and cars. We had a fantastic Splash Day! We also got a visit from some enormous bunnies! Plus we celebrated Ellen’s 4th Walk Around the Sun.

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Guinea Pigs and Graduation

Guinea Pigs and Graduation

| June 5, 2018

The end is near! We celebrated the culmination of all our hard work this school year with our first ever graduation ceremony. Our adventure with Rocky and Bullwinkle is going well. They are proving themselves to be fabulous classroom pets with tons of patience and tolerance for our friends. We also finished out mammals week […]

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May the Fourth Be With You!

May the Fourth Be With You!

| May 7, 2018

We made it a challenge week and enjoyed working on our academic skills. (Well… most of us did anyway!) We also celebrated the big Star Wars holiday with a dance party and cool craft. We also had an outdoor classroom day which was soooo much fun! Lastly a couple of fun pics from the week. […]

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Color Me Crazy!

Color Me Crazy!

| June 10, 2016

What a fantastic first week of our summer program! We talked emotions all week and used colors to create cool art, but most of all we enjoyed each others’ company. We had our first Splash Day and it was a rousing success. We made gorgeous flowers our of marbled paper and egg cartons. After blinging […]

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Exchanging Valentines and Turning 5!

Exchanging Valentines and Turning 5!

| February 17, 2016

The craziness continues as we go from one special occasion to the next. We shared Valentine’s Day cards with each other and baked chocolate chip cookies for our party on Friday, had a fun stay at home snow day on Monday, barely caught our breath on Tuesday and celebrated the twins’ birthday on Wednesday… We […]

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