Tag: classrooms

Montessori Academy of Carrboro’s October 2017 Newsletter

Montessori Academy of Carrboro’s October 2017 Newsletter

| November 8, 2017

Why We Are Not Just A Day care. Proudly serving Carrboro, Chapel Hill and the surrounding communities.

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these last few weeks

these last few weeks

| April 26, 2017

These last few weeks have flew by. We have finished our alphabet, made some pretty awesome crafts and even worked on numbers, shapes and colors. We have made a ton of crafts and even floor colored. Paint is always a big hit along with free drawing! We are moving closer and closer to summer and […]

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colors and shapes

colors and shapes

| October 21, 2016

This week was all about colors and shapes! We started our week with looking at shapes and different colors. On Tuesday we circle stamped with paper towel tubes and primary colors. We finished off the day with Miss. Olivias birthday party that featured ice cream and ginger snap cookies! Wednesday we made triangle fall trees […]

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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dog, daddy, dance, dinner and dragon!

dog, daddy, dance, dinner and dragon!

| September 29, 2016

We have talked all about the letter Dd this week! We started the week off with music and what words we thought started with letter Dd! We celebrated grahams 3rd birthday with the walk around the sun and some yummy fruit! We then stared our dragon craft! This included painting a ton of paper towel […]

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readyyyy set…. learn!

readyyyy set…. learn!

| September 23, 2016

Welcome to the letter Cc. We baked cookies and ate them on top of coconut milk ice cream. We took turn mixing the ingredients together in the bowl. We celebrated Williams 3rd birthday and ate strawberries and graham crackers as his special treat! We leaned all about the ocean and what lives under the sea […]

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The Montessori Academy of Carrboro is Now Open!

The Montessori Academy of Carrboro is Now Open!

| November 1, 2015

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for the Montessori Academy of Carrboro. We have been so busy with last minute preparations that we have not had the opportunity to update our blog and let everyone know that we are now open! We received our license last week and had our Open […]

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New Construction Week 6

New Construction Week 6

| July 22, 2015

We have walls! The walls are up in our Carrboro Montessori Academy. All of the rooms are well defined and so spacious. Insulation was discussed at the weekly construction meeting and final choices for the exterior stucco and trim colors were made.  We are in the process of finalizing the ordering all of the furniture […]

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New Construction Week Four

New Construction Week Four

| July 7, 2015

The wall studs are up in our Carrboro Montessori! This week we saw all of the metal wall studs put in, outlining our hallways and rooms. The space is so much more defined now and each of the six classrooms are in place along with two offices, a conference room, a kitchen and public restrooms. […]

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New Construction Week 3

New Construction Week 3

| July 1, 2015

        Things are moving quickly at 103 Laurel Avenue in Carrboro! We have the beginnings of interior walls. The rooms have been laid out and the metal studs that will hold the interior walls have gone up against the back of the building. It is exciting to see where all of our […]

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