Tag: costumes

Halloween Paloza

Halloween Paloza

| November 6, 2018

Last week CH-2 was veery busy with spooky activities and dancing as we celebrated Halloween . For art the children made some spook-tacular glow-in-the dark ghosts and made colorful frozen hands on science day . Finally we had a great time on Wednesday when we celebrated Halloween with trick-or-treating and a party with dancing, games […]

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A Spook-tacular Week

A Spook-tacular Week

| November 6, 2017

Last week in CH-2 we had a blast celebrating Halloween while working on our challenges and having fun!  Everyone did great on their challenges from practicing their writing skills to learning addition and subtraction. We also enjoyed science day by seeing what Vingear would do to egg shells. We are still observing them change and […]

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Goodbye October, Hello November!

Goodbye October, Hello November!

| November 7, 2016

This week started off with our Halloween celebration!  The toddlers loved wearing their costumes to school and going trick-or-treating to all of the classrooms!  This week we learned the sign language sign for “milk” and all about the letter K.  For our craft this week, we did fingerpainting using white paint on black paper.  We […]

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| March 17, 2016

      In February, we completed our Owl Curriculum.  Between our classroom collection and additions from the library, we read about owls every day for two weeks.  We learned how their feathers are serrated to allow them to fly. We observed this when we compared barn owl  and barred owl feathers.  We talked about how owls […]

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Feels Like Home

Feels Like Home

| December 4, 2015

We have now finished our first six weeks in our new school and it really does feel like home already. The children and teachers  have all put their individual stamps on their rooms with art work and projects decorating the walls and doors.  We have celebrated five student’s birthdays and two teacher’s birthdays! We have decorated pumpkins, […]

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