Tag: created

Bird’s the Word

Bird’s the Word

| March 3, 2020

Bird week was so fun, we decided to go one more week on it, especially since we (happily) lost a day to our special Mardi Gras celebration.

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Making it Work!

Making it Work!

| July 9, 2018

How things work week is always a lot of fun. We even had a guest teacher, Mr. Green Jeans (otherwise known as John Loy, my wonderful spouse) who came to show off his beloved studio work truck complete with a thousand tools and electricity. The kids especially enjoyed getting lifted with the jack and riding […]

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The Rise of the Mammals

The Rise of the Mammals

| May 29, 2018

We continued our study of mammals this week and were so excited to add two new mammals to our classroom family. Rocky and Bullwinkle the guinea pigs. We spent the week learning how to care for them, including feeding, brushing and properly holding them. We also had some cool mammal art projects. We made cat […]

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Creepy Crawler Crazy!

Creepy Crawler Crazy!

| April 2, 2018

We bugged out this week as we got into our study of the world’s largest group… insects and spiders! First our art projects… We also did non bug related art work… Here are a few cute random pictures… Last, but not least, a few fun pictures from our Easter celebration.

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Spiders are Not Insects!

Spiders are Not Insects!

| February 24, 2017

My personal favorite project of the week was the spider web and massive black widow we put in the window to replace the snowflakes, which have turned out to be ridiculously inappropriate despite the fact that it’s still February. But we weren’t all about spiders, we still enjoyed learning about insects… And we celebrated Ethan’s […]

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Pending Snowpocalypse!

Pending Snowpocalypse!

| January 6, 2017

What a fantastic first week back! We took a minute to readjust to classroom life and spent the rest of the week enjoying our friends to the fullest. So much so that only Livia finished her challenges this week. Congratulations, Livia! Our major project of the week was a mixed media collage that we created […]

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“Duck for President”

“Duck for President”

| November 11, 2016

On Monday, we were excited, filled with hope, and ready for the election. On Tuesday, we were still excited, filled with hope, and ready for the results. We talked about our community, practiced voting and read “Duck for President.” It’s a story about a duck who doesn’t like his working conditions so he decides to […]

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Look up!

Look up!

| August 12, 2016

What do you see when you look up at the sky? This was a question we asked ourselves this week as we explored the air above us. First we made puffy clouds using sponges, white paint, and baby blue construction paper. Then we created an airplane out of a large cardboard box, but after Ms. […]

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Mommies Rule, Dinos are Cool!

Mommies Rule, Dinos are Cool!

| May 11, 2016

Children’s House 2 doesn’t just have great kids, we also have fantastic parents! That’s why when holidays like Mother’s Day roll around, we try to show as much appreciation as possible. All week we worked on projects in honor of our moms. First we melted crayon shavings between 2 pieces of wax paper to make […]

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