Tag: creative art

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

| December 23, 2016

It is our last week of school for 2016 and we had so much fun! We began our first annual Winter Week which we have a different theme each school day. Monday was Color Wars, each age group was assigned a color and who ever wore the most of their color that day, won! Of […]

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Grapes and Garbage Trucks

Grapes and Garbage Trucks

| October 21, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, we learned all about the letter G! We began the week off reading a book that had G words and pictures in it. We then talked about Garbage trucks. The toddlers love to see the garbage truck when it goes down the street. We talked about the garbage truck […]

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Welcome back!

Welcome back!

| January 6, 2016

Three days into the new school year and we are already right back into the swing of things… But first I want to take a look back and share some of our holiday memories. On the last day before winter break, (the ever popular “pajama day”) we only had two friends show up for school […]

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