Tag: fine motor skills

A Short, But Busy Week

A Short, But Busy Week

| December 2, 2015

For the first time today, we finally have all our friends back in class. Between the holiday and cold season, we’ve had a small group every day since last week. But that hasn’t kept us from working hard and enjoying every minute. We’re in the middle of assessments in preparation for parent teacher conferences this […]

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Science, Snakes, and Silly Vests

Science, Snakes, and Silly Vests

| November 18, 2015

What a great week! Ms. Maddy discovered a cache of cornstarch in her cabinets and decided we were going to do some science experiments. Only maybe she needs to read all the directions first next time… Experiment one was homemade moon sand. We started with the best of intentions, first gathering the necessary sand from […]

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