Tag: firetruck

Community Helpers

Community Helpers

| August 9, 2019

This week we had so much fun learning about community helpers and visiting with them! We loved seeing firefighters and police up close. They helped us remember to dial 911 if we need help and to not be scared! We also learned about farmers who give us food, librarians who help us with books and […]

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Toddlers to the rescue!!

Toddlers to the rescue!!

| August 10, 2018

Hi everyone as you know we’re still pushing through our summer themes. This week theme was “Safety Week”.  We talked about Firemen, Police officers and Paramedics and never to be afraid of them. On Tuesday we had a visit from our local Carrboro Fire department the toddlers enjoyed it so much as they got climb […]

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Community Helpers

Community Helpers

| July 11, 2016

Our theme this week was “In My Community” and the Toddlers learned about all the great helpers we have in our community!  We learned all about the types of trucks the helpers in our community drive like ambulances, firetrucks, garbage trucks, etc.  And all the toddlers had fun recreating siren sounds!  For our craft this […]

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