Tag: garden

How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

| June 7, 2019

This week we learned about gardens and got our hands dirty by planting flower bulbs! We also enjoyed splash day!!! Thanks to everyone for the yummy food to eat on Friday at our garden party!

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How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

| June 5, 2019

The children of Children’s House 1-2 have been busy this week learning all about gardens and plants. We made lovely little holders for flowers which we have on display in the hallway outside of the classroom. Miss Maria came and gave us a music lesson this week, which was so much fun! Our class will […]

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Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

| May 13, 2016

This week was our Gardens and Plants Week! We had Science Monday to start off the week and did an experiment called Dancing Worms. We talked about how worms were very important for the plants to grow. We read two books on the process of plant growing. We then planted flower seeds in our outside gardens. […]

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