Tag: gardening

Flower Gardens

Flower Gardens

| June 10, 2019

Last week we started our Summer Themes! Our first theme was “How Does Your Garden Grow?” The Toddler 2 class had fun planing Morning Glory seeds and grass seeds and watching them grow! We also read a book about watering a garden to make the flowers grow. For our craft, we used sponges to paint […]

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Toddler Fun

Toddler Fun

| April 9, 2018

We had another wonderful week in the Toddler 2 class this past week.  We learned about the letter T and the color Green.  Our animal for the week was the Donkey.  For our craft this week, we made Super Hero Popsicle Sticks!  We’ve been watering the grass we planted every day, and it has been […]

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Spring Is Here

Spring Is Here

| March 26, 2018

The toddlers had a fantastic week this past week.  Our letter of the week was R, and our animal of the week was the cow.  For our craft this week, we made handprint flowers.  We also learned the ASL sign language signs for “milk” “bird” and “flower.”  We enjoyed welcoming the first day of spring.  […]

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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The Old North State

The Old North State

| July 25, 2016

Our theme this week was “All About North Carolina” and the toddlers in the Toddler 2 class enjoyed learning all about the state we live in!  We listened to the state song, and learned about the state bird (cardinal), state flower (dogwood), state tree (pine), state mammal (eastern grey squirrel), state gemstone (emerald), state insect […]

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Hello Rain!

Hello Rain!

| May 23, 2016

This week the Toddler 2 class continued learning their ABCs and learned about the letters U and V!  We had a lot of rainy days this past week, so it was only appropriate that we made umbrellas for our art craft this week!  But all this rain has been wonderful for the seeds we planted […]

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Caterpillars and Chickens

Caterpillars and Chickens

| May 16, 2016

We continued learning about the alphabet this week and covered the letters S and T.  For our craft this week, we made caterpillars!  We also spent lots of time outside this week.  We planted seeds in the planter boxes on the playground.  We have also been having so much fun with our new pet chickens! […]

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