Tag: Montessori classroom

Outside Fun in CH1-1

Outside Fun in CH1-1

| October 7, 2022

Our friends in Children’s House 1-1 have been really enjoying time on the playground this week. The hot days of summer have passed and we are all enjoying the cooler fall weather. Learning about sharing and caring have been a focus of the classroom this week. Respect and caring are corner stones of the Montessori […]

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New Beginnings and Earth Day

New Beginnings and Earth Day

| April 20, 2016

Changes have come to our happy Montessori classroom as we welcome new friends AND a new teacher… Taylor, Eli, and Ms. Olivia all moved up from Children’s House 1 this week and we could not be more excited for the additions! Our upcoming theme will be “All About Ourselves: the Study of Humans” but first […]

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