Tag: Montessori Outdoor Environment

The last few weeks

The last few weeks

| March 15, 2017

The last few weeks have been super busy! We have continued with our alphabet and we have made some pretty fun crafts! We attempted to make ladybugs but the paint chipped away before we could finish them. We learned all about pets and talked about the pets that some of our friends have at home, […]

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new school year!

new school year!

| September 2, 2016

This week we welcomed in a new school year and learned all about our classroom rules. We also learned some new songs to help us know our days of the week, and the weather outside. We have even put up a map to help us learn more about our world. We had fun filling up […]

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the swing of things

the swing of things

| August 25, 2016

Here in ch 1-1 we are getting back into the swing of the school year. We started the week with naming our class rules which include… our shoes staying on, keeping our hands and bodies to yourself, walking feet and inside voices. We then went onto our school rules, hallway rules and our playground rules. […]

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Gobble Gobble!

Gobble Gobble!

| November 25, 2015

We have had a short but full week in Toddler 1.  Because of the holiday, we focused on Thanksgiving this week, and next week we’ll return to our numbers, letters, colors and shapes. Using our pictures and handprints, we made ourselves into the cutest little turkeys you’ve ever seen! On Tuesday we had music class with Miss […]

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A sunny week full of kites and kangaroos

A sunny week full of kites and kangaroos

| November 13, 2015

What a busy week we had in Toddler 1! The sun finally came out, so we took full advantage of the weather and spent lots of time running around on our lovely new Montessori playground. Our color of the week was purple, and we had lots of fun mixing red and blue paints together and […]

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New Construction Week 13

New Construction Week 13

| September 6, 2015

Work continues on the outdoor play environment. We are very excited about the Montessori outdoor environment that we are creating. Interactive activities which highlight censorial development as well as allowing gross motor use are being constructed. This week over six inches of mulch was laid down over the entire two playgrounds. Workmen are busy making […]

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