Tag: Montessori

Letter Ff

Letter Ff

| October 12, 2017

This week we have talked about letter Ff. We came up with Ff words and colored F and made a fish. Along with F, our current season starts with Ff. We learned about FALL and talked about what happens to the trees and leaves. We talked about pumpkin patches, Halloween, thanksgiving and what we wear […]

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Cat, Clock, Car, and Cactus!!

Cat, Clock, Car, and Cactus!!

| September 29, 2017

Its been a fun week learning about the letter C in the toddler classroom!! We had music an yoga class this week. The kids have gotten really good in yoga class with following the movements and relaxing. We have incorporated some of the music and movements into our everyday circle time.  We learned the letter […]

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Bugs, Books, and Bumble Bees!!

Bugs, Books, and Bumble Bees!!

| September 22, 2017

What a fun week in the Toddler Classroom! This week we learned all about the letter B, along with reviewing the letter A.  We had music/dance class and yoga.  The kid’s really enjoy these activities and look forward to them each week.  For the letter B, we learned about bugs, books, birds, and bumble bees!! […]

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We had a blast !

We had a blast !

| September 18, 2017

This week in CH 1-2 we learned about the letter B. The kids really enjoyed learning about bats,boats and the colors that start with the letter B. The kids also enjoyed singing baby bumble bee. This week in our new yoga class, we learned a song to calm our bodies, new breathing techniques and stretching […]

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Apples, Ants, and Acorns!!

Apples, Ants, and Acorns!!

| September 15, 2017

We have had so much fun learning about the letter A this week in the toddler classroom!! We had yoga and music this week.  The kids love these activities! We learned about letter A this week.  We made an apple and acorn craft out of handprints.  Then we learned so many words that start with […]

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Who are we? The Toddler Room!

Who are we? The Toddler Room!

| September 8, 2017

It has been a fun week in the Toddler Classroom! We are still transitioning into the new school year schedule, but it is going smoothly! We didn’t have school on Monday because of Labor Day.  We had our first yoga class this week, and the kids loved it! We learned what letter our name starts […]

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Back To School

Back To School

| September 5, 2017

This week started our 2017-2018 school year!  We got right back in the swing of things with Circle Time and our Montessori Work Cycle.  We also learned the sign language sign for “more.”  For our craft this week, we made a Back To School coloring craft.  We said goodbye to our friend Jonah who transferred […]

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Spooky Toddlers

Spooky Toddlers

| August 11, 2017

This week in the toddler room, it has been very spooky because of our theme Monster Mash.  On Monday, we had music class and learned a ton of new movements.  Tuesday, we made a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.  The kids loved the monster craft they created, and didn’t think it was […]

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Crafts, Crafts, & More Crafts!

Crafts, Crafts, & More Crafts!

| August 4, 2017

The theme this week was craft and create! We had music Monday and the kids loved to dance to the music! We created ice cream cone crafts and our whole class did a sun craft! Wednesday was splash day, and some of our friends like water more than the others. Have a great weekend! -Miss […]

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Future Fashionistas!!

Future Fashionistas!!

| July 28, 2017

This week in the toddler classroom, we welcomed our new assistant Miss Chelly! Our theme this week was fashion, so we created some of our own pieces.  We designed our own pajamas with the do-a-dot markers.  On Wednesday, the whole school had tie-dye day and we created our own shirts and then our whole class […]

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