Tag: motor skills

the swing of things

the swing of things

| August 25, 2016

Here in ch 1-1 we are getting back into the swing of the school year. We started the week with naming our class rules which include… our shoes staying on, keeping our hands and bodies to yourself, walking feet and inside voices. We then went onto our school rules, hallway rules and our playground rules. […]

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eXcited about Xylophones

eXcited about Xylophones

| April 8, 2016

This week we focused on the letter X. We did not have many Toddler Words to review so we went over X-rays and Xylophones. For our art projects, we made beautiful Toddler X -Ray hands. We also made Xylophones and had the Toddlers identify the colors before we put the paper down. For Science Wednesday, […]

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The Letter T

The Letter T

| February 26, 2016

We went over the Letter T this week. We talked about all different objects that started with the letter T. The Toddlers walked around the room and we sounded out the letter T. We encouraged the toddlers to try to pronounce the words that start with T such as toys, turtle, teachers, trains, teeth, and […]

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Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

| January 14, 2016

Welcome Back! We hope everyone enjoyed their Winter Break! All of our toddlets in Toddler Room 1 were ecstatic to see their teachers and their friends! This week our letter was P. The toddlers completed a lot of activities that focused on the letter P. We painted the letter P with Pom Poms and Panko bread […]

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