Tag: music

Who are we? The Toddler Room!

Who are we? The Toddler Room!

| September 8, 2017

It has been a fun week in the Toddler Classroom! We are still transitioning into the new school year schedule, but it is going smoothly! We didn’t have school on Monday because of Labor Day.  We had our first yoga class this week, and the kids loved it! We learned what letter our name starts […]

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Working Hard and Having Fun

Working Hard and Having Fun

| August 7, 2017

Last week in CH-2 we continued to work on our challenges as well as having fun. Some of the challenges we worked on included learning our two and fives. In addition we practiced our addition and subtraction skills. We also enjoyed our music time and had a blast on Friday with our Show and Share.

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Working with colors

Working with colors

| July 21, 2017

  This week we worked on challenges such as writing our letters,numbers and practicing our names. The students worked on some harder challenges such as mathematics as well. On Monday the class also officially welcomed a new student to our classroom, Olive! In addition the children had a blast meeting our new music teacher. On […]

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New works and fond farewells

New works and fond farewells

| June 30, 2017

We said goodbye to our good friend Renata this week on the same day that we celebrated her 4th birthday. Coincidentally we also said goodbye to our music teacher, Ms. Marcia, who is moving to New Orleans. We also enjoyed splash day, easel painting, and the spoils from our old school clean out efforts.  

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Montessori Rock n’ Roll

Montessori Rock n’ Roll

| May 26, 2017

We jammed all week with musical instruments of all shapes and sizes. As a special surprise we also got to enjoy a fantastic musician thanks to Hunt’s awesome mom. He played an Irish Bouzouki and a Do Bro Guitar. Our art craft for the week was making drums.               […]

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Colors and Textures

Colors and Textures

| March 6, 2017

We had another fun week in the Toddler 2 class!  We started off the week with music class, and Ms. Marcia played her harmonica for us.  We learned all about the color red and put drops of red food coloring in water.  We had fun playing and exploring different textures in our Sensory Bin.  For […]

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this week in ch-1

this week in ch-1

| February 17, 2017

This week in ch1-1 we started the letter Ss. We thought of a ton of Ss words and learned the Ss sound. Valentines was this week and we celebrated with a party that included popcorn, cookies,  pretzels and veggie chips! We passed out our valentines cards to our friends and learned a valentines day song. […]

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

| November 28, 2016

We had a short week this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  We spent the week singing Thanksgiving songs and making Tie-Dye Turkey crafts!  We also continued with the alphabet and learned about the letter N.  The Toddler 2 class had a fantastic November and can’t wait to have even more fun in December!  

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the food pyramid

the food pyramid

| October 18, 2016

This week we talked all about the food pyramid. This includes what makes our teeth happy and what makes them sad! We created a tooth with food items that make them sad (chips, cupcakes, cookies and candy) then we created a tooth that was happy (veggies, meats, fruits). Later we created plates of food that […]

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ch 1-1

ch 1-1

| October 6, 2016

WOW! What a wonderful week! We are officially in the month of October and the weather is starting to cool down! We have learned about the letter Ee and we have started shapes and colors! We have learned what a octagon is as well as a pentagon! One of our crafts was to make a […]

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