Tag: painted

For the Birds…

For the Birds…

| March 9, 2020

We were having so much fun that we ended up going 2 weeks on the birds theme. We even got to meet some real life birds.

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| August 19, 2019

What a fun week of talking about one of our most beautiful states, Hawaii!

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Easter Fun

Easter Fun

| April 22, 2019

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Sliver and Hop

Sliver and Hop

| April 15, 2019

We continued our study of reptiles and amphibians this week with one major group art project… a giant gecko!

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| September 11, 2018

All things follow once letters are recognized, understood, and mastered so I begin every year with basic lessons on letters. Other than that we do art, puzzles, and read tons and tons of books.

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Back to Basics

Back to Basics

| September 4, 2018

The first week of the new school year was lots of fun. We wrote our classroom rules, discussed our schedule, and got used to our new routine. On top of all that we did some neat activities…

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Time Machine Mania

Time Machine Mania

| July 2, 2018

Luckily I’m an “older” teacher so I have a bunch of stuff in my house from another era which certainly comes in handy during time travelers week. We made peace signs from the 60’s and 70’s and also tie dye t-shirts.   We traveled back to ancient Greece and made headbands out of leaves. Then […]

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Around the World

Around the World

| June 18, 2018

Foreign fun is what we had this week! It was 5 action packed days of experiencing other cultures, plus our first Splash Day and getting ready for Father’s Day. PLUS, we celebrated 2 birthdays!!!    

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Lizard Love

Lizard Love

| April 23, 2018

For a second week on reptiles and amphibians, we continued our study of the cold blooded creatures that share our planet. We also read tons of great books about reptiles and amphibians and had some interesting discussions where we discussed fun facts about these fascinating creatures. Plus the weather was gorgeous, so we did some […]

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Creepy Crawler Crazy!

Creepy Crawler Crazy!

| April 2, 2018

We bugged out this week as we got into our study of the world’s largest group… insects and spiders! First our art projects… We also did non bug related art work… Here are a few cute random pictures… Last, but not least, a few fun pictures from our Easter celebration.

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