Tag: Painting

Painting all the P things

Painting all the P things

| April 12, 2019

This week we started our letter P with painting pigs, penguins, pumpkins and Easter eggs! We loved having our new friend Violet begin a full week with us. We also practiced tracing the letter p. Friday we had a Paw Patrol party with coloring and bowling! Have a great weekend friends!

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Circle Painting

Circle Painting

| March 11, 2019

Last week was an excellent week in the Toddler 2 class. We enjoyed Music Class and Yoga Class! We learned about words that start with the letter W and how to say “Give” and “Give me” in Sign Language. We also learned all about tigers. We also enjoyed doing our Montessori Work Cycle. For our […]

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Introducing “K”

Introducing “K”

| February 4, 2019

Hello friends! Last week was so jam packed! Monday we loved music with Ms. Danni! We also began learning about the letter ‘K’ by coloring our letter books. During the week we also painted the letter k and began a kangaroo craft that we finished today! We enjoyed yoga with Ms. Maria on Wednesday. Friday […]

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Choo Choo!

Choo Choo!

| January 7, 2019

Last week was a short week due to the New Year’s holiday. The Toddler 2 class learned about pandas and about words that start with the letter N. For our craft, we painted trains with Do-A-Dot paints. Ms. Lindsay will be out of town Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Ms. Melissa and Ms. Laura […]

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Animals Playing Hockey!?

Animals Playing Hockey!?

| October 15, 2018

Okay, so no animals actually played hockey, but we did have a great week filled with both. We also did a couple of painting projects.

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Welcome Mr. Dom!

Welcome Mr. Dom!

| September 24, 2018

The best thing about this week, besides surviving the “Hurricane,” is our new teacher Mr. Dom. He is an awesome addition to the class and we LOVE LOVE LOVE having him in our classroom.  

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Back To School

Back To School

| September 4, 2018

Last week was the first week of the 2018-2019 school year!  The Toddler 2 class had fun going “Back To School!”  We are so excited to start a brand new school year.  Last week we got right back into it and had fun doing our Montessori Work Cycle.  We also learned about different musical instruments […]

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Favorite Things Week

Favorite Things Week

| August 27, 2018

It’s obvious what this week was all about… the things we love to do in the classroom the absolute most. For Ms. Maddy this week was about spending an hour in the library finding all the books she loves best to read.  

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We All Scream For Ice Cream

We All Scream For Ice Cream

| May 29, 2018

The Toddler 2 class hopes everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!  We had another great week last week.  We learned about the color purple and mixed blue and red drops of food coloring in water to watch it make purple.  We enjoyed doing Yoga class with Ms. Maria and music class with Ms. Danny.  […]

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Color Through Design

Color Through Design

| May 21, 2018

Last week the class enjoyed interesting and fun activities. For art the children created “stained glass” paintings using painters tape to create various designs . On science day the class enjoyed “exploding baggies” using plastic bags, vinegar, and baking soda. Finally everyone continues to enjoy Show and Share every Friday.

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