Tag: pictures

Lost in Outer Space

Lost in Outer Space

| April 13, 2016

We headed into our second week of exploring the solar system. One of the most widely enjoyed activity had to be the “moon crater creator.” We got the idea out of one of our library books. It was quite simple really. We learned the moon’s surface is soft dust much like flour so that’s what […]

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Easter Fun and Space Exploration

Easter Fun and Space Exploration

| March 30, 2016

We ended last week with Easter celebrations including an Egg Hunt on our playground on Friday. My goal was to hide the eggs so well that when the children emerged from the classroom they saw nothing but an empty playground. The other teachers teased me, but my brainiac kids had no trouble rooting out every […]

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Operation Room Bedazzling!

Operation Room Bedazzling!

| January 13, 2016

There’s nothing more wonderful than taking good care of our special space by keeping it beautiful and well organized. After sending most of our classroom art home before the break, we found our walls were greatly in need of some artistic touches. Needless to say, we’ve been busy, busy, busy redecorating. Many of our group […]

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