Tag: plants

Time Machine Mania

Time Machine Mania

| July 2, 2018

Luckily I’m an “older” teacher so I have a bunch of stuff in my house from another era which certainly comes in handy during time travelers week. We made peace signs from the 60’s and 70’s and also tie dye t-shirts.   We traveled back to ancient Greece and made headbands out of leaves. Then […]

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Feelings and Emotions

Feelings and Emotions

| November 14, 2016

This week has just zipped by in Children’s House 2-1. We learned about feelings and emotions. For our craft we made faces out of paper plates, yarn and google eyes. We drew on facial expressions with magic markers. We played the “Silence” game, finger play and sing along games. We painted shapes using sponges cut […]

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Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

| May 13, 2016

This week was our Gardens and Plants Week! We had Science Monday to start off the week and did an experiment called Dancing Worms. We talked about how worms were very important for the plants to grow. We read two books on the process of plant growing. We then planted flower seeds in our outside gardens. […]

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