Tag: playing

Artistic Gardens

Artistic Gardens

| June 10, 2019

It was a fun week as we finally got to start our fun summer themes. We planted kale, bell peppers and okra. We also made a super cool mixed media mural of flowers that’s now hanging in the hallway,

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Rehearsals and Rehab

Rehearsals and Rehab

| May 20, 2019

We’re getting ready for all our end of the school year performances and activities. Meanwhile our poor Bullwinkle is suffering some serious medical issues. We’re doing our best to help him through and make the rest of his life as comfortable as possible.

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Sliver and Hop

Sliver and Hop

| April 15, 2019

We continued our study of reptiles and amphibians this week with one major group art project… a giant gecko!

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Do the Safety Dance

Do the Safety Dance

| August 14, 2018

The story of Safety Week told in pictures…

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Last Week Of School!

Last Week Of School!

| June 6, 2016

This past week was our last week of the school year before starting our Summer Themes!  The toddlers in the Toddler 2 class ended the school year by finishing up our alphabet and learning the letters Y and Z!  We got a whole bunch of new toys in our classroom, and all the toddlers have been […]

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