Tag: projects

Animals Playing Hockey!?

Animals Playing Hockey!?

| October 15, 2018

Okay, so no animals actually played hockey, but we did have a great week filled with both. We also did a couple of painting projects.

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Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

| August 11, 2017

What a great week for projects… We made a huge lily flower mural. We may be going a bit crazy in the heat. Here’s proof.

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Lost In Space!

Lost In Space!

| December 2, 2016

Though it’s taking a side seat to any Holiday related activities, for the next couple of weeks we’ll be talking about the solar system. A favorite theme for this age group, we’ve started our study with many fantastic library books and both group and individual rocket ship projects.   Finally a few fun shots from […]

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Love and Dinosaurs!

Love and Dinosaurs!

| May 4, 2016

At the end of last week we said goodbye to the Human Body and starting this week, hello to Dinosaurs. On top of examining super cool books on the topic… … we also made dinosaurs of our own! And then there was the love part of our week… My husband John celebrated a birthday and […]

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All About that Body!

All About that Body!

| April 27, 2016

The end of last week we devoted to Earth Day FINALLY finishing the globe we worked on all week. Then we went straight into talking about our bodies, not just physically, but also our personalities and emotions. One of the projects we enjoyed was creating life sized self portraits.   We also created a new […]

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