Tag: Rabbit

Riveting R

Riveting R

| January 30, 2017

We had a riveting week this past week learning the letter R. We came up with an array of different R- words, and made our own class rainbow. We even learned how to remember the order of the colors in a rainbow (ROY.G.BIV). Then we rowed our boats down the river of the week to learn about […]

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Rabbits and Rain Drops

Rabbits and Rain Drops

| February 3, 2016

This was a short week in our Toddler Room 1 class. We celebrated Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday and the snowstorm cancelled our Friday. However, the other days of the week were accompanied by lots of activities and art crafts focusing on the letter R. We had our friend Marcel the Rabbit visit. […]

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Animals And Planets

Animals And Planets

| January 27, 2016

We had a short week last week!  Monday was the MLK holiday, and the school was closed on Friday for the ice storm.  But even with just a few days of school, we still had lots of fun in the Toddler 2 class!  We learned about the planets in our solar system and made our […]

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Puppies, Bunnies and Gratitude

Puppies, Bunnies and Gratitude

| January 20, 2016

It never ceases to amaze us how wonderful our children are. Gratitude is something that we can all stop to appreciate. The students in our Children’s House 2-1 classroom all contributed to their classroom’s “Thank Goodness It’s Friday Gratitude” board  with such words as ” my mommy and my daddy and playing with my sisiter”! We […]

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