Tag: science

A Spook-tacular Week

A Spook-tacular Week

| November 6, 2017

Last week in CH-2 we had a blast celebrating Halloween while working on our challenges and having fun!  Everyone did great on their challenges from practicing their writing skills to learning addition and subtraction. We also enjoyed science day by seeing what Vingear would do to egg shells. We are still observing them change and […]

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Time Flies By

Time Flies By

| October 20, 2017

The week flew by as CH-2 was busy working on third challenges and learning about the world of science. Everyone did an amazing job on their challenges and made great progress! Some, but not all of the challenges completed included the younger children working on their writing skills and letters while the older children worked […]

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Learning Every Day

Learning Every Day

| October 13, 2017

This week in CH-2 the children were hard at work tackling their challenges while expanding their creativity. Some of the challenges that were worked on included writing, letters, numbers and simple mathamtics. In addition the they enjoyed painting our fall class pumpkins on art day. The children also enjoyed science day were they were able […]

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Exciting Week(10/2 to 10/6)

Exciting Week(10/2 to 10/6)

| October 9, 2017

Last week in CH-2 the children were hard at work with their challenges and learned some exciting news science concepts. Some of the challenges the children worked on included their writing skills, letter recognition and reading. The children also greatly enjoy science day and got to learn about how sound travels by making beans jump. […]

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Static Electricity?(09/11 to 09/15)

Static Electricity?(09/11 to 09/15)

| September 18, 2017

This past week in CH-2 the children worked on third challenged while exploring the world of science. Some of the challenges worked on included writing their names, number recognition and reading. In addition the children continued to have a great time at yoga and music class. The students also had fun on science day were […]

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Science Week

Science Week

| May 26, 2017

This week the toddlers did science! We had so much fun learning and creating different experiments. We first did fizzing colors where the toddlers poured vinegar on their favorite colors just to see it fizz. We even tried mixing colors. Then we did an experiment which we learned about osmosis with Celery. The toddlers loved […]

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Planets, Orange and Dandelions

Planets, Orange and Dandelions

| May 22, 2017

This past week in the Toddler 2 class we learned all about the planets in our solar system.  We also learned about the color orange.  We mixed drops of red and yellow food coloring in water and watched it turn orange!  For our craft this week, we made colorful fingerprint dandelions.  We said goodbye to […]

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Week of Nature

Week of Nature

| September 26, 2016

In Children’s House 2-1 we enjoyed our weekly music lesion with Miss Marcia. Our students love to express themselves artistically, and music is such a large part of this expression. We read the stories of “The Tree Little Pigs” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We acted out the stories and took turns playing the […]

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readyyyy set…. learn!

readyyyy set…. learn!

| September 23, 2016

Welcome to the letter Cc. We baked cookies and ate them on top of coconut milk ice cream. We took turn mixing the ingredients together in the bowl. We celebrated Williams 3rd birthday and ate strawberries and graham crackers as his special treat! We leaned all about the ocean and what lives under the sea […]

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Magnificent Mysterious Magic

Magnificent Mysterious Magic

| August 1, 2016

Our theme this week was “Magic Tricks” and boy was it a magical week!  We did lots of science “magic” tricks and grew crystals, made a volcano erupt and filled up a plastic bag with gas.  For our craft this week, we colored bunnies and had them come out of hats.  Ms. Lindsay made magic […]

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