Tag: splash

Vroom, Vroom

Vroom, Vroom

| June 22, 2018

On Monday we had music. We sang so many songs that had to do with things that go fast. Such as ” the wheels on the Bus and body movements to show stuff that can move around”. On Tuesday we colored paper “race car”. On Wednesday we made finger painted car. Thursday was splash day. […]

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Crafts, Crafts, & More Crafts!

Crafts, Crafts, & More Crafts!

| August 4, 2017

The theme this week was craft and create! We had music Monday and the kids loved to dance to the music! We created ice cream cone crafts and our whole class did a sun craft! Wednesday was splash day, and some of our friends like water more than the others. Have a great weekend! -Miss […]

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