Tag: toddler art

The Zoo, Continents, & Ants!

The Zoo, Continents, & Ants!

| June 24, 2017

These last 3 weeks have been great! We started our Summer Themes. Our first one was At the Zoo. We learned all about different Zoo Animals and acted like our very favorite animals. Our next week was Continents around the world. We learned that there were 7 different continents and learned about the different languages. […]

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Happy Mother’s Day and Letter Z

Happy Mother’s Day and Letter Z

| May 12, 2017

This past week was very busy for the toddlers. We made two Mother’s Day gifts based on handprints. We gave them a beautiful poem and a handprint keychain that was made from shrink dinks. For letter Z, we learned all about zebras and the zoo. We acted like different animals from the zoo. We made […]

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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

| April 21, 2017

Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22 this year. In Toddler Room 1, we took the week to learn all about the Earth and how to help keep it clean. We read a book about the Earth and learned what it is made of. We helped Ms. Marlene’s class clean off any trash on the […]

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Warm Weather calls for Watermelon

Warm Weather calls for Watermelon

| April 7, 2017

This week, we worked on the letter W. We learned that W looks like an upside down M. We did a weather chart and learned different kinds of weather. Since we had very windy weather, we practiced flying kites! Our toddlers also learned about yummy Watermelon! We tried some yummy Watermelon for our snack and […]

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It’s Spring and V is for Volcano

It’s Spring and V is for Volcano

| March 31, 2017

This past two weeks in toddler room 1 have been full of fun and learning. We learned all about Spring time and how it brings us leaves on our trees and flowers in our garden. We made a  beautiful paper kite and flew it outside as best as we could. We also made coffee filter […]

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Tigers have sharp Teeth

Tigers have sharp Teeth

| March 3, 2017

It’s Letter T week in Toddler Room 1! We definitely enjoyed the letter T! We learned about how our teeth and tongues help us taste yummy food! We made a big classroom turtle and learned that they can stay on land and sea!  We sang our favorite turtle song, “I have a little turtle”. We […]

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Rabbits and Snakes

Rabbits and Snakes

| February 24, 2017

The last two weeks in Toddler Room 1, we learned letters R and S. For letter R we learned about robots and acted like robots. We did handprint rabbits as well. We did our letter R activity sheet for the class, which the toddlers love! For letter S, we learned about spiders, snakes, and strawberries. […]

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All About Love

All About Love

| February 10, 2017

It was our All About Love week in Toddler Room 1!!!! We did everything surrounding Valentine’s Day and made crafts for our parents. We read several Valentine’s Day books and had a grand dance party on Friday! We decorated our Valentine’s Day Card bag with lots of stickers and we colored it red and pink. […]

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Quacking Qs

Quacking Qs

| February 3, 2017

This week in Toddler Room 1, we talked about the letter Q! This was kind of difficult because there are not a lot of Q words that a toddler is familiar with. We learned about Queens, quilts, quacking ducks, and quails. We made ourselves beautiful King and Queen crowns that the toddlers absolutely enjoyed wearing […]

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P is for…

P is for…

| January 27, 2017

Our letter for the week was P in Toddler Room 1! We started off the week by reading a book on different P words. We listened to a song about all types of different pie and were able to make our own Pizza Pie. The toddlers were able to choose red for cherries and blue […]

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