Tag: Toddler

Yogurt or Yoga?

Yogurt or Yoga?

| May 5, 2017

This week we learned about the letter Y! We learned how to make a Y with our arms! We learned that yellow starts with Y as well as yarn. We did a craft where we glued yarn to a yellow letter Y! We also learned about yaks and how they kind of look like buffaloes. […]

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X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot

| April 28, 2017

We learned all about letter X this week. We practiced making an X with our arms and learned that there aren’t many Toddler X words. We learned about X-rays and made a hand X-ray. We listened to different xylophone sounds and made our very own xylophones. We then did a treasure hunt where we had […]

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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

| April 21, 2017

Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22 this year. In Toddler Room 1, we took the week to learn all about the Earth and how to help keep it clean. We read a book about the Earth and learned what it is made of. We helped Ms. Marlene’s class clean off any trash on the […]

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It’s Spring and V is for Volcano

It’s Spring and V is for Volcano

| March 31, 2017

This past two weeks in toddler room 1 have been full of fun and learning. We learned all about Spring time and how it brings us leaves on our trees and flowers in our garden. We made a  beautiful paper kite and flew it outside as best as we could. We also made coffee filter […]

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Fun Week

Fun Week

| March 17, 2017

In Toddler Room 1, we dedicated our week as a Fun week! We celebrated Pi Day  and made a sweet potato pie craft! We even tasted some yummy apple pie.  This week,  we also tried to do a science Wednesday. The toddlers made Kinetic Sand following a recipe we found online. Our Kinetic Sand didn’t […]

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U is for Underground

U is for Underground

| March 10, 2017

In Toddler Room 1, we learned all about the letter U! We started off our week learning about Umbrellas and how they protect us from the rain! We made umbrella Sun Catchers using coffee filters. We then explored Under the Sea! We read several books about animals that live under the sea. The toddlers enjoyed […]

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Rabbits and Snakes

Rabbits and Snakes

| February 24, 2017

The last two weeks in Toddler Room 1, we learned letters R and S. For letter R we learned about robots and acted like robots. We did handprint rabbits as well. We did our letter R activity sheet for the class, which the toddlers love! For letter S, we learned about spiders, snakes, and strawberries. […]

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

| December 23, 2016

It is our last week of school for 2016 and we had so much fun! We began our first annual Winter Week which we have a different theme each school day. Monday was Color Wars, each age group was assigned a color and who ever wore the most of their color that day, won! Of […]

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Kites and Kittens

Kites and Kittens

| December 2, 2016

This week was all about the letter K in Toddler Room 1. We began the week talking all about Kisses. We read two books, “Kiss Kiss” and “Perfect Kisses”. We then ate pieces of yummy Hershey Kisses! Next we talked about Kittens. We held our stuff kitten in class and the toddlers made meow sounds […]

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Happy Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day

| November 23, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, it was a short week! We talked all about Thanksgiving! We read several books and our favorite was “This is the Turkey”. We learned new Turkey songs and tried Gobbling like turkeys. We did a fall tree craft and we made turkeys with coffee filters!

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