1…2…3 Blast Off!!!!

| June 3, 2016

This week in Toddler Room 1, our theme was SPACE! We read a book about how we can land on the moon and what materials we need to go into space such as a rocket ship, a helmet, moon boots for stomps, a space ship, and space food. The toddlers loved acting like they were on the moon walking in slow motion. We had a rocket “blast off” in our classroom, which was just a rocket picture taped to a straw that that slid down yarn. Our toddlers loved the concept of the rocket having a count “up” opposed to a countdown to make it go. For art this week, we made moon stomps and marbled IMG_4068planets with shaving cream and paint. We also made our own telescopes so that we could go outside and search for the stars with our parents.IMG_1496 IMG_1505IMG_8603

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