X-Week in Children’s House 1-1

| April 4, 2016

RichardCalRenata 2Our friends in Children’s House 1-1 have been busy this week learning the letter “X”. We learned that both X-ray and Xylophone begin with this letter and that the word “Exit” has an “X” in the middle. We are enjoying the spring weather and talk about the days of the weeks and count how many days we are into the month of April already. We have talked about the chickens who will soon come to live in their chicken house (coop) behind the school! Everyone is thinking of the names we will give them. We will continue with our alphabet studies with the letter “Y”.  Our favorite thing to do in this lovely weather is go outside. We will be planting flowers soon in our own planter box, which has been placed along the back fence of the playground! Taylor

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Category: Transition Room 1

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