New Construction Week 11

| August 22, 2015
Kitchen Counter Tops and Cabinets

Kitchen Counter Tops and Cabinets

Front Entrance Awning

Front Entrance Awning

Side Entry Awning

Side Entry Awning

Toddler Playground

Toddler Playground

Hot Water Heater and Mop Sink

Hot Water Heater and Mop Sink

This week we saw the new awnings go up over the front entrance and the side entrance where the playgrounds will be accessed. There was also some preliminary work  done on clearing the areas where the two playgrounds will be.

Work continues on the interior of the school with the arrival and installation of the sinks, under sink cabinets and the counter tops. We also saw work being done in the kitchen with the installation of cabinets and counter tops as well as the hot water heater and mop sink. The storage cabinets in the classrooms have been finished and are being sanded and stained. The fire extinguisher boxes are set into the walls in the front and back halls of the school.  Stay tuned for more updates!


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