3 week blog

| March 28, 2016

March 14-18 we learned letter u. We talked about up and under. We also really enjoyed learning about unicorns. paintingThis week we celebrated St. Patricks day and Siennas birthday. It was a very exciting week.

Last week was all about the letter V and celebrating Easter. We talked about volcanoes and even read a book about them. On Friday we made “dyed” eggs with markers, had an egg hunt and enjoyed cascarones or confetti filled eggs.

This week we are learning the letter w. We will be learning about w words and the sound w makes. So far Walrus and Whale are the most popular w words around. We will look at pictures of whales and listen to whale sounds. Maybe, we will be like Dory and learn to speak whale….yes, that is a Finding Nemo reference. We will also practice tracing the letter w by using the Montessori sandpaper letters.

I wish everyone a wonderful week and as always thank you for your support and encouragement.

CH 1-2

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